Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017

Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017  we have a number of items from various readers. First we have from  Markus Lecksheid the header card for the African natives. Next Ed Borris shares color variations of Marx 60mm Cavalry. Peter Bergner shares some Blue Box  space ships. Finally Nick Grainger shares some figures from his collection.

Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017  Markus  Lecksheid

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017

Markus has sent us a photo of the header card for natives Erwin Sell was asking about.  The card has as its title Natives and Hunters.  The company is Toy Major. I remembered ordering them from Stevens International.

Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017  Ed Borris

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017 Ed Borris has decided to share some color variations which he has in his collection. Here is what he said on them.I acquired from Jim McGough over 10 years ago.

The gray one is probably a tan figure from the dump that turned gray. Interestingly enough the gray figure does not float. He ws pretty dirty when I got him and I gave hima bath, that’s how I know he doesn’t float.

The chocolate brown and red brown were probably test shots or whatever they used to do when they produced figures. I do have three other red brown ones and a number of the grays, but only the one chocolate brown. I have no doubt they are all original Marx factory figures.

Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017  Peter Bergner

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017 Peter sent me the following photos of some new space ships he got recently.  They are by  Blue box and are four different ships.

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017

Blue Box  Space Rocket

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017

Blue Box Space Disc

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017

A Blue Box Space Jet

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017

A Blue Box Space Car

Peter  is always looking for strange plastic space stuff, figures, ships, etc. for his collection.

Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017  Neil Grainger

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017 Neil Grainger a new reader has shared with his us some figures he has found. He realizes that some of the figures are Britians because of the metal bases.  He also has some of the swoppet  Britains Civil War and the caisson rider.

Reader's Contributions Part Two July 2017 Neil was interesting on the figures in this pictures. Most of the figures are by Atlantic.There are at least two 60mm Crescent Indians as well.



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11 Responses to Reader’s Contributions Part Two July 2017

  1. TDBarnecut says:

    Polyethylene / soft plastic will float in water as it is less dense. Styrene / hard plastic is typically more dense and will sink in water. The figure you have that doesn’t float might be made of some other type of plastic that Marx was experimenting with.

    • Erwin says:

      The early MARX 60mm pioneers in not base mold made of heavy type hard rubber material all sink in water.
      Maybe this figure was made that material uaed by MARX many times in early sets.

    • ed borris says:

      I’m not a chemist, but somehow I think that whatever the figures picked up to turn them from tan to gray must have altered them in some way which is why that one doesn’t float. Of course I could be wrong, but the gray ones are a soft plastic. The dump had a tendency to change the colors of figures, for instance yellow in some cases would turn black which would lead me to believe that somehow the figures are absorbing something from the ground. This is all theory on my part , I have no scientific evidence to back this up. I also have some first edition revised pose pioneers that were at one time a soft vinyl plastic and now the color of them is marbled or motled gray and the figure has turned into a harder less flexible substance. They are still flexible but not to the same degree as the soft vinyl.

      • TDBarnecut says:

        Also possible (maybe) that lead based pigments used to color the plastic add enough weight to make the figure sink. Theoretically speaking of course.

  2. Erwin says:

    I thanks Markus x the mint pack.
    I apreciate it.
    Now I need hunt the hunters.
    The BB space ships are more.
    I have two more types least.
    The pictures where show Britain has Timpo solid in middle group back and all plastic HK painted w tepee are by BLUE BOX.
    I just post a full mint set in ebay on my sales few days ago.
    They consist of 6 cowboys and 6 indiand original designed poses by BB.
    The horses and others accesories are copies of JEAN HOEFLER and Crescent.
    I had done entire post in others blogs x it.Will pass work to admin w original large playset w housea too.
    Last picture all are Atlantic owner painted minus two Crescebt 60mm figures as admin mention.

  3. Neil says:

    Thanks for the info on the figures. So brown ones on left? Any ideas on those? Are they Atlantic?

    • Erwin says:

      Neil.Yes; all but two are Atlantic aperantly paint by owners as Atlantic ussualy were not painted in most sets solds. .
      The two that are not werev made by UK brand Crrescent in 60s and are the Huron head type w knife in white pants and dancing pose type w crown feathers type in blue pants.

  4. ed borris says:

    The cowboys in the center next to the downed cavalrymen appear to be Timpo.

    • Erwin says:

      Ed yes if from picture w Britain figures the group of five cowboys in center back are all Timpo solid cowboy poses.

      • ed borris says:

        The only sleeping cavalry guys I see,

        • Neil says:

          again, thanks for the info. These were figures I had as a kid, some of whom I painted (badly, but then I was probably only about 8 years old at the time). Some I assume my dad passed on to me – probably the crescent ones since I was born in 74 and they pre-date that by a bit.
          There’s an excellent wooden fort kicking around too that I’ll maybe send on to admin at some point.

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