Last Tuesday Laurie had the afternoon off so we went to farmers market. Because it was late in the day the flea market was done. We decided to do this one building that had a stand with toys. We did not find anything in that stand, but in the next stand which had various bric brac Laurie found this item. It is a cermanic soldier box with Britains Eyes Right Grenadier. On the side of the soldier box is an egg timer. We thought it was good item for Ebay. The item was done for Old Fort Henry Canada. Checking the internet, I found Fort Henry had first been build during War of 1812. The second Fort was build in the 1830’s. The second fort held various British regiments including Black Watch.
When we got home I checked the item and discovered that the item was made in England. We put it up on Ebay and it sold in 24 hours. When we had gone to farmers market originally it was get some great food. This item was an add bonus to great day.