Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure

Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure is a quest from our reader from Brazil  Clayton . He is looking for Indian figure he remembers his childhood. We will let Clayton explain his figure quest.

Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure Clayton’s Figure

I am for many years looking for an Indian I saw as a child (70’s) in a store. This Indian was lying on the ground firing with a rifle and this rifle was on a small stone. Unfortunately since I returned to collecting items from the old west, I have been searching for this Indian without success, I have already asked several collectors here in Brazil, but none of them seems to have seen this Indian. Have any of you ever seen an Indian similar to what I described? Have photos?

Clayton Bonelli Quest for Indian figure

I do not have any pictures of the Indian I’m looking for, nor the ability to draw, so I’m sending a photo of a cowboy just to try to make it clear who the Indian I’m looking for. The (Indian) item I am looking for is similar to the lying cowboy, but imagine that instead of the cowboy, it is an Indian and the rifle is resting on a small stone.

In this quest we do not have a photo.  It reminds me of my search for the Speedwell armored car on fire. I looked for it for years first having to prove it was real. That took over 25 years to prove it exist then to get photos. so if you have any ideas share them.

 Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure Update 4/21/17

Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure

Here is the figure that Peter Evans mention from Elastolin. As you will see from the comments there are several possible candidates for Clayton’s figure.  We will see what he has to say.

Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure Update Part Two

Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure

Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure

From Erwin Sell

First picture is catalog of Oliver- Pech Hermanos transition take over 1980 catalog for retail ,pose1/8 prone pose.
Second picture is release by Oliver poses in new rework mold which under Oliver new mold with different bases.
Note the rock not release with this mold.
The Oliver pose( I need find in my collection) was done only under Pech Hermanos early rubber production of original mold pose.
Because Casablanca-then Gulliver copied most Pech Hermanos,Jescan and other early poses from Spaniards brands,it could had been base on original Pech Hermanos pose.
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6 Responses to Clayton Bonelli Quest for an Indian figure

  1. peter evans says:

    The Indian you describe was, I think an ELASTOLIN composition figure.
    I have the figure somewhere in one of my many boxes but I know of no plastic figure like this.

  2. Markus says:

    Its maybe this pose Peter is thinking about. Originally done in composition.
    There is a similar pose as Reamsa Apache too.
    Anyway somehow I think I did saw a real lying Indian with kind of setting his rifle on some small grey stones. Only a vague memory.

  3. erwin says:

    With respect.
    Both Peter and Markus are correct and close.
    The Elastolin early 30s poses composition (firing over stone) was copied by SIMBA and made in plastic for Fort playset I got the fort with Indians and soldiers.In 54 mm ,very well done .SIMBA copied 14 poses from ELASTOLIN /Hausser Indians.
    Along with cowboys and soldiers.

    Reamasa has a pose of Indian with one elbow over rock (apache from Erick creation poses mold)-not complete prone(POSE #345) from sale catalog 1969-1983 books and PH(Pech Hermanos) another more prone as pose as the cowboy above ,both different .

    The PH pose was made first in rubber with rock in one mold piece(60s) ,later with out and or rock and or rock detached to be use in any esenario.The pose is not common and was copied released by (Oliver) -the releaser of half molds from PH in late 70s .
    The pose is number #287 and mold single pose piece two halve.Apparently by late 1980s Oliver never release it again for mold else issues.

    PH also made alike soldier(US cavalry firing over rock)too.

    The “cowboy” pose as above was made with out rock too to be used prone as Stagecoatch companion back firing pose over roof by Reamasa,Jecsan ,PH and others.

    Because CASABLANCA and Gulliver copied ELASTOLIN,REAMSA and PH ,could be any of those but I’m inclined to think is PH pose as more prone …
    Best regards.

    • Clayton Boneli says:

      First, thank you for the information you provided. second The two images (elastolin and reamsa) I knew them, one of them was copied by gulliver and I have this figure. Unfortunately the two pictures do not correspond to the Indian I have been looking for a long time. Again, I reinforce my appreciation for the information. I was very curious about the information described by erwin and would like to know if you could show me Pictures of the figures that you mentioned the numbers (287 and 345)? And I’m sorry if I’m asking for much, but is there any chance you can make available the images or drawings of the 30 variations you mentioned? thank you so much.

      • erwin says:

        Sorry …I may had miss interpreted my self above.
        The Elastolin composition figure from 1930s is the one Peter and Markus mentioned-post a link above later made in plastic by Elastolin too and copied by SIMBA in 90s as I say.
        The pose #287 from PH is the one I post from catalog-OLIVER and figure bellow catalog picture but as OLIVER copied PH ,original figure was numbered as #287 in early 60s PH catalog.That was all.
        Pose #345 is the apache from REAMSA with rifle from the apache reamsa mold set that you may know.REAMSA catalog number it as #345
        Those are the three that come to my mine now and I wrote above.

        I know is another prone firing pose with rock from Spaniard brands,could be from GOMARZA,GAMA or Bruner.
        If I’m not mistake BRUNER was in some poses/cases copied by CASABLANCA not Gulliver in first early set. But I need do more research in that possible pose ..
        I’m out my house in long work training and not able get all my bibliography from my laptop. Sorry..

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