I just saw yesterday my first movie of the summer “The Avengers”. It was very enjoyable and what I figured it would be. While there will be a number of other movies out this summer I am figuring on only seeing two others “Men in Black III” and “Dark Knight Rising”. Laurie and I have seen the previous movies in the respective series so we want to see if the can continue the magic. Most of the other films I will pass for various reasons. I was not interested in “Dark Shadows” and Battleship is Transformers on water (I have still not watch either of the Transformer movies).
I find it interesting that years ago, I would go out with my friends to the opening night and stand in the line to get in. Now I wait until after the opening weekend and go to an afternoon show when it is less crowded.
My wife and I do the same thing. Love weekday matinees. Hate crowds.
I thought the Avengers rocked (wife agrees). I was a big fan of Marvel Comics growing up, SGT Fury was my favorite and the Avengers were right up there. Didn’t even mind Samuel Jackson playing Nick Fury – well, not too much….
Laurie does not enjoy the Marvel Superheroes movies. she will go with me to the Batman movies as she has enjoyed them. I have been watching the trailers and I am curious how it all works.