Pvblivs Indian Update

Pvblivs Indian Update our very good friend Erwin Sell heard from Alex one of his friends in Russia.  Alex  relayed to him some exciting  news on Pvblivs. Not only was Pvblivs bring out their new set of  plains Indians, they were rereleasing their old set. The first set also contained six different figures in the set.

Pvblivs Indian Update

Alex’s second piece of information was the figures are being done in a new type of plastic. Pvblivs is using a new material semi-rubber. This material; will be virtually unbreakable. Alex had asked Pvblivs to make the figures in other materials.  Publius experimented with the recipe of polyurethane to come up a less breakable figure. The result is it is hark to break the figure. Production of the figures is a little more expensive but you have a better figure. With this new plastic you will not be afraid of breakage as in the past.  

Pvblivs Indian UpdateAlex said he will have the figures available some time in July. There will be other sellers of these figures from Russia. Alex did not give a price on either set. The two different sets of Pvblivs Indians will be welcome additions to western figure collections.

Pvblivs Indian Update First Indian Set

Here are the six poses of the first set of Indians.

  1. Indian chief standing with lance
  2. Indian standing firing rifle
  3. Indian advancing with tomahawk and shield
  4. Indian chief  drawing arrow for bow.
  5. Indian ready to throw knife.
  6. Indian attacking with weapon (I am not sure it is a tomahawk.)

Pvblivs Indian Update

Pvblivs Indian Update Plains Indians  Set .

  1. Indian throwing Spear
  2. Indian dancer
  3. Indian chief with spear and club
  4. Indian standing with coup stick
  5. Indian in Buffalo Headdress with club and shield
  6. Indian  drawing bow

Pvblivs Indian Update Comments

The first set of Indians from Pvblivs you might find crude.  I like them as they are an early attempt by this company. The figures got better as the time went on.  We will see how the new plastic works out.

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3 Responses to Pvblivs Indian Update

  1. ed borris says:

    The first set looks more like some kind of woodland Indians to me.

    The Sioux are nice looking figures.

  2. Erwin says:

    I definettely like more the ironquese style poses.
    Let see how this work now.New material will be great x conversion too.

  3. erwin says:

    I like the one shooting-new,
    Other with axe looks alike barzso,AIP and CTS same pose buy holding shield is new .
    The last in right is with what in hand!?
    The one looking x arrow in back resemble Marx twice pose done.
    In general.The second set has a mix type Indian, ones with crown feathers are not where near same as others ,different areas and tribes but any how most toy makers did same .
    Barzso been the most accurate historical in my opinion till moment.

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