Something I will not be buying in the near future toy soldiers and cowboys in silver. No they are not painted silver. They are made of silver the metal. A company called AMPEX has copied Processed Plastic soldiers and cowboys in silver. I saw these on Ebay and shook my head. the cowboys are $74.99 each and the soldiers are $54.99 each.
If you want to see them I have the link here but be advise they will be showing up in ads on various website you go to.
I been seen it x couple month on amazon too.The are selling dinosaurs.I think from tim me poses.
Wonder what mold they using.
Are they same scale as they look very alike original .!?
I would never buy then either.
These are probably made by the ‘lost wax’ method that jewelers use for casting precious metals. In this case it could be ‘lost plastic’ if they are using an original figure in the process. If they recast Johnny Ringo in silver they would certainly sell out at only $75 per figure.
It would be cool having a silver bullet though, never know when you may run into a werewolf.
…or the Lone Ranger 😉
And why do we need this?
Because it’s a bad investment? Silver goes for over $17.00 an ounce it contains almost 2 ounces, so you lose about $40.00, but it’s is unique. Don’t forget though, you do get a black velour bag to store it in and chances are the original Timmee figure would never be worth as much as the one you would have.
Interesting.AMPEX is an electronic maker company .
Unless this is other using same name which would be a violetion.
Casting these in silver is a relatively easy process. They appear to be hand drop cast using new “rubber” molds. The base shows obvious hand file marks. Goes to show there’s always someone out there eager to part you from your money.
Moving back to plastic is anyone here going/gone to the Marx Convention in Wheeling this weekend? I will miss both days due to a seminar and funeral. Looking for any news (my Marxman Vietnam figures) and any good finds. Thanks.
I will not be there as I find for Laurie and I to go the show it is not cost effective. Hopefully we will hear from someone who does go.
Some more explanation on the cost for us. Unlike other shows the show is a two day affair, which gives us added expense. First we have to board the guys for the day. Next we have to get a hotel. The one hotel we stayed at we had problems and we would have to find another more expensive one. I did okay in buying but I felt I can do better through sources here and I have a show weeks after that has been good and it is only a two hour ride each way.