This is the Cherilea UN Soldier running up the steps. I consider this figure as the worst figure made. Where do I start. The pose makes no sense. Figure is out of porportions. The detail is almost non-existant.
A close second is the Cherilea UN soldier firing machine gun. At least it is an action pose. The arms are sticks and once again out of porportion especially the arms. Fortunately they only did these two figures.
Those are bad, they rival the BMC D-Day figures.
You should take another look and you will realize both poses make perfect sense.
The top figure is a “height challenged” UN soldier needing help to mount up into his staff car. The pistol is pointing back at the Private who just called him “Shorty”.
The bottom figure is making a valiant last stand – he is surrounded and his machine gun has jammed!!! He is fighting off the insurgents by smacking them with his ammo belt – thank heavens he had that “arm enhancing” surgery so he can smack them before they get in range.
I agree, they belong in the BMC D-Day army.
Yes the the Cherilea figures belong in the BMC D-Day Army simple bad.
I’m pretty sure the upper photo shows a figure holding a bottle opener.
It all makes sense.
Sadly no it is a pistol.
As long as we’re at it, let’s throw in Dulcop, especially they’re Zorro figures. I hope they were going for comic relief.
One other figure that is horrible, the Starlux pioneer holding up a dead beaver? Usually their figures aren’t half bad, in fact some are in the pretty good to excellent range, not sure what happened with that one. A rival to the turkey man perhaps?
The Dulcop Mexicans are bad looking they look like they are dancing. I do like the Zorro pose. What is it you do not like about the Starlux pioneer pose? I so hate the pioneer with the turkey, never used him in my stories as a child. Over the years I have gotten the pioneer with the turkey with the turkey cut off. When Marx finally did new pioneer poses they had to do pioneer walking with a pheasant.
He just looks ridiculous like he’s a cartoon or something, not what it is exactly, but he looks peculiar.
Indy this week, yay!!!!! Those attending don’t forget to see me I should have some nice stuff, plus a surprise.
Have a good time and let us know how the show was.
Will do, I’m interested in how the change of venue effects the show. With a little luck, maybe it will be even better.
I’ve never seen any Cherelea figures I’ve liked, but I have to admit these are among the worse. Atlantic was another company that used to bomb IMHO; they had some great ideas but always lost it in the translation somehow.
On Atlantic their best figures were Anicents followed by Western. Their military is a hit or miss. The Afrika Corp, Medical Corp and Indian Army are good while the British and WWII Germans are a disapointment.
Totally agree (Just saw this eleven years later. LOL)
Atlantic had some bad figures notably the Custer Figures, but they had some good ones too, especially in the ancients category, their Greeks were especially nice. Funny thing despite their flaws, these figures still garner a good price on e-bay.
There are also companies that I think are vastly under rated, Andy Gard for one, their cowboys and Indians in my opinion were some of the nicest made, if it wasn’t for those strange mold marks and the questionable choice of colors, they’d be right up there at the top. Ideal is another one prior to their Cavalry,cowboys/Indians and Mounties they made some excellent figures, unfortunately they had a size issue, their GI’s and Knights were too big and the pirates were too small. The pirates were probably the best pirates ever made for 50 years until Barzso and Conte came on the scene.
Another company that makes some nice figures is Replicants, if they only used better plastic and colors. They are generally well sculpted, but those colors and the plastic used detract from their appearance. They do have some anatomical pose issues on occasion and they never seem to cover an era as thouroughly as I’d like , but overall not too bad.
On one side I agree that the Atlantic Custer especially with the arrows every where are bad. The other hand the figures grow on you and I like them. The Atlantic is getting harder to find as the molds were sold to Iraq and were destroy from what I was told.
I agree love the Andy Gard, Ideal and Replicants figures. If you talk to Steve Weston at OTSN, he will tell you that Peter Cole the owner and designer of Repicants has many different figures he would like to put out.
Yeah I talk to Steve all the time, he mentions the guy cranks out all his own figures out by hand in some primitive molding machine, very time consuming, so that must be what slows him down.
I have a source that has scads of Atlantic figures, I’m sure he’s looking to sell. In fact, I may be taking some of his wares with me to Indy, unknown yet. I’d bet on the price being high though. Even though they are goofy looking, I’d like to get 54mm sets of Custer and Davey Crockett, but I can’t convince myself I need to spend $75.00 a piece for them.
yes … they are bad .. but I love and collect them
br .. Detlef
There are also six different UN soldiers from Cherilea who complete the series .. and the best part.. I still like her