Every February, a major train show is held at the Allentown Fairgrounds. It is a two day affair and gets over 5,000 people in attendance. Since my schedule had changed, I was able to go over to do the show. I went over to show mainly to see some friends, as I do not have high hopes finding anything. this is due to the competition.
After seeing my friends, I walked around the show. Some of the spots I usually find items did not have anything for me. Another spot had Marx plastic pieces, but they were at my selling price or higher. I figure that I would not find anything, when I spotted a bag of figures containing a Marx 60mm Wimpy, a Marx Jug Tattersal and a Marx Disneykin Pinocchio. Next I came to a series of tables selling a collection of trains. In the mass of trains, I found a Beton army drummer and Marx freight terminal worker, which I purchased. I also found some bags of Marx lambs and piglets.
After checking out the various tables, I headed home surprise how well I did.
Nice finds!!!