A New Pose For an Old Roman Pose

A New Pose For an Old Roman Pose


Our very good friend Greg Liska is backĀ  with a simple conversion. Here is what he had to say.


I had 2 of the Marx WoW Romans with whip that were broken. As they are, I often use them as slingers (requires some imagination) but these guys were broken. I decided to give them a Timpo shield and crest off of a Thomas Toy Roman who’d I’d turned into an archer. It’s a completely different look, if not a rather unlikely pose. I just can’t throw anything away and I didn’t really need more slingers. One of these is an original and the other is a HK copy. Can you tell?

A New Pose For an Old Roman Pose

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6 Responses to A New Pose For an Old Roman Pose

  1. Mark says:

    Looks really good Greg,interesting fighting pose, I cant’t tell which one is the original !

    • Greg Liska says:

      Thanks, Mark. In reality, it’s not a good fighting pose at all. The Roman Scutum was not used that way. It’s too heavy for that to be a practical maneuver and really, all he would have to do to block a strike there is shrug his shoulder up to cover his body or head. I’d thought about moving the arm in a downward position, but I was a bit worried about how I’d cut the hard plastic of the original WoW guy. In the end, I just went with the easiest conversion. I’m OK with it.

  2. erwin says:

    Greg,same I did ,just mine I use oval shield and spear. I lot of Marx WOW broken could be converted, the hot melt process work great on the old HK plastic too.
    Awesome job u did!!!

  3. ed borris says:

    The one on the right is the Hong Kong copy?

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