Austin Miniatures Update

We receive a comment from Dan Beidelschies, Austin Miniatures on his buildings

I have finally sent my Japanese figures to China for production! Also as of right now I have my sculptor working on my next set of figures, Vietnam Marines .Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my last two projects and I hope you will continue to do so in the future. Dan Beidelschies, Austin Miniatures

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18 Responses to Austin Miniatures Update

  1. Erwin says:

    Great.Hope some measure of sculting choice is share to avoid repeat between the two future new sets by Austin and TSSD as I’m not counting in other.
    I understand ones are marines and other army.But they should avoid similarity as not much difference between corps at field level.

  2. Tom Black says:

    Nice to hear more Vietnam Marines. Now is the time for someone to make an affordable Huey and Fastboat. Hopefully Green Berets are in someone’s pipeline.

  3. WOW! I get two comments when I announce two new figure sets I plan on releasing . But someone else gets 10 comments when all he does is convert someone else’s Alamo figures? I guess this hobby really is dead. No need to waste my money investing $20,000 per set . I can see why other companies beg for money upfront before they make new figures, and I can see why others got out of this business all together, Peace out. Dan Beidelschies, Austin Miniatures

    • Bobby G. Moore says:

      Did not know that a reply was needed. Of course it is exciting to have those two figure sets coming. Look forward to the Japanese. Wish someone would make some heavy Japanese machinegun teams. The Nam Marines will be cool also. I am sure you will get more comments when collectors are actually able to have the figures in their hands.
      Bobby G. Moore

    • admin says:

      I sorry you feel that way that there were only two comments. Your notice of your figures appeared in another posting chain, I put it in a separate posting to generate comments. For some reason there was very poor response. I have no idea why as we usually get good response on many of our postings. It might help if you could share photo of one or two of the figures.
      I checked my stats and since February 14th we have had over 241 views of the Austin Miniatures update.

  4. ERWIN says:

    It is not only about the release, but many expect more than words . Least some pictures or else in my opinion and base in experience.
    Yes.This Hobby is not about making profit. Here you spend the money with caution and as you wish and desire with your own wish and dreams. Not a fast profit at all or what so ever. Take time and patience unfortunately. Many rise quick and fall faster, others last and linger, few continued after years with high and lows.
    Most of not investors=collectors=buyers do not have the slight idea what it cost and what cost to recover a fraction of invested.
    The few large retailers want the products at fraction money to re-sale fast but the buy or invest in few when purchase from maker-producer.
    Demand is high by few and fewer could afford today prices too at now market.
    WW2 is the high demand still, so could be Vietnam-yet let see how many sets will sale in year per maker(few keep track of this rate/sale).

    I always keep this words from my mentor at all time.
    “do not undress yourself first”.
    If feel not worth ,stop, relax and continued in two years or or never, forget what other said.
    It is your money, your pocket, your effort.
    Best regard
    Erwin -producers/maker

  5. Don says:

    I can appreciate Dan’s thoughts and feelings as someone who invested quite a bit of time and money to release what I thought was an outstanding set of figures. I myself noted his original comment about the upcoming WWII Japanese with interest, and fully intend to acquire them to go along with the WWII Marine sets I had already acquired. I didn’t necessarily think to post a comment in reply to Dan’s post where he updated the status of the project, but please don’t take that to be an absence of excitement.

    From the time I first saw prototype photos of the amazing Austin Miniature Cowboys on this site, followed by photos of the U.S. Marine prototypes, to when I saw and acquired the actual figures at OTSN, I’ve thought all the Austin Miniature products were great.

    I’ve had equally laudatory discussions about Austin Miniature products with other people at the shows, as well as with local hobbyists.

    If I might make one marketing suggestion: I think your products would generate even more discussion if you wholesaled to other dealers who maintain websites which, if they were allowed to retail Austin Miniature products, would post news, commentary, and photos on their own respective websites. It would have a multiplying effect. I’m talking about firms like CTS, Hobby Bunker, TSSD, and Michigan Toy Soldier.

    But regardless of how you approach the wholesale/retailing aspect, rest assured there are plenty of toy soldier hobbyists who admire Austin Miniature products.

  6. Bill Nevins says:

    Love the Cowboys. Don’t collect WW 2, so your release didn’t mean anything to me.

  7. Bill Nevins says:

    I don’t collect anything from the Viet Nam War, either.

    But don’t feel bad. I don’t comment on any of that stuff from Russia or wherever because I’m not interested in those periods. Why should I comment on something I could care less about?

    You want a comment………….. make more Cowboys.

    • Andy Keliar says:

      YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on MORE COWBOYS!!! Best figures since Ferriot Brothers old Marx sculptures. Mounted cowboys, or ACW would be automatic multiple
      purchases by me!

  8. Tom Black says:

    When TSSD announced their Vietnam sets I think it set a record for comments on Stads? Maybe everything was covered on that topic and news of Austin’s set of Vietnam figures probably exites many collectors, the topic ran out of gas. I am sure when Austin releases some pictures of the sculpts there will be a lot more comments.

  9. ed borris says:

    I think it’s a great idea, however I think pictures generate comments. Post pictures I’m sure you’d get more comments.

  10. Don says:

    Dan, I think I agree with some of the others that a photo of a prototype at the time of an announcement, with some detail as to what you envision for the new line, necessarily generates more points of discussion, more anticipation.

    We already know, from your cowboys and WWII Marines, that the sculpting and quality of anything you make will be exceptional. But when CTS announced their Korean War Chinese Communists, they also showed the first completed sculpt, and it generated a lot of excitement/discussion. Same with LOD Trojan War —- remember what a big enthusiastic controversy Ken set off just by asking for opinions about the color of his upcoming chariots.

    And make sure Rusty Kern gets notified of your plans, so he can give it a mention in Playset Magazine.

    I personally hadn’t ever been excited about Vietnam War figures being released, but when I saw John Stengel Jr.s prototypes, followed by TSSD’s announcment, and now by the Austin Miniature announcement, I view it as a great new toy soldier collecting opportunity that will give me hours of enjoyment and pleasure. I’ve already started assembling accessories to go with the figures — Processed Plastic two & a half ton U.S. Army trucks, and those great Playmobile palm trees, and reissued Marx Jungle Jim thatched huts for a nice Vietnamese village.

  11. Jack Gibbons says:

    Dan, I am excited about your new Japanese and Vietnam figures. They were both placed on the want list as soon as I heard about them on this site. I have purchased several bags of the Austin Cowboy and US Marine sets. Last night, I had one of my students pass out some of your Marines at a talk on Iwo Jima.

    Unfortunately, I am getting more excited (for the wrong reasons) about John Stengel, Jr.’s long-delayed US Infantry figures from Vietnam. As with him I will patiently wait for your new sets.

  12. OK, after all the awesome comments about my past figures I apologize for my last post. I am more excited than ever to get my next projects off the ground. I will post pictures of my reworked Japanese figures either on this website or my own very soon. As soon as I get the first Vietnam Marine back from my sculptor I will post it. Again I am sorry about being a Debbie downer about the hobby and I am looking forward to making some awesome new figures in 2016. Thanks again for everyone’s support. Dan, Austin Miniatures

    • Bobby G. Moore says:

      Any chance we will someday see the other WW2 Marines you had planned to make? Or how about a set two of the Japanese with a heavy machinegun team or a Japanese firing a light machinegun from the shoulder standing or kneeling were the bi-pod could be resting on the side of a trench or sandbags?
      Look forward to what you do in the future.
      Bobby G. Moore

  13. ed borris says:

    You make excellent figures, no complaints there.

  14. Bobby G. Moore says:

    Any new updates on the Austin Japanese? Looking forward to these.

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