When people asked me what I sell on EBay, I tell them everything and anything. I can not predict what will sell. Some items like Britains Swoppet knights if you have them price right they will sell quickly. Other items I just do not know. Example of this is the items above. In a lot of figures I bought, there were the four Marx 54mm Robin Hood figures. The four figures are the silver version that was sold in the bag sets. For some reason the person painted them in silver and black. I have not had good luck in getting paint off of figures especially metallic silver so I put the four figures up at a great price of $10.00. I put them up so I have them in inventory. I figures they would be in the inventory forever. Well they sold in week!
As I have mention before the internet and Ebay have change my buying patterns from when I was doing the list. I find myself buying items I would have put my nose up. I also find myself putting up items I would thrown into junk bags.
I have yet to meet a color that does not come off with repeated use of Easy Off oven cleaner and a toothbrush and wooden toothpicks. If the person has the same success he just got a great buy. Spray the figures, let them sit in a tupperware container for a day, scrub, repeat a few times – when something seems to be impossible to remove use a wood toothpick which will usually pop off the offending paint. Wood toothpicks ends get soft and will not mar the plastic. For ultra tight spots like eyes, I gently use the tip of an exacto.
I will have to try Easy Off. The problem is taking paint off takes too much of my time and with my workload, I decided to let someone else do it. If they got a great buy great.
I have had success removing paint by soaking in 409 over night and then scrubbing with a soft tootbrush. Sometimes I have to repeat the process, but it usually works.
PineSol at full strength will take paint off any plastic figure. Soak for a day and brush off WITHOUT rinsing under water. Once you rinse with water, the paint removing chemical in PineSol is no longer any good. I have used PineSol for more years than I care to remember and it has always worked for me.
WARNING: Never use PineSol on hard plastic figures. I used it on a Mokerex figure and it melted the figure into a gooey mess.