Plastic Warrior Show 2016 Date Announced


The Plastic Warrior Show will be held on Saturday May 14, 2016. The show will be held once again at Winning Post, a pub outside of Richmond which is a suburb of London UK. The show is easy to get to. One way you can go from London is take the Underground to Richmond. There in the Richmond Underground station you will walk over to take a train to Whitten.  You will get off the train and will have a short walk to the show.


At the show you will have tables loaded with Plastic figures. One table you will want to make sure you have on your list is our very good friend Peter Bergner.  Peter will have his pound boxes (Each figure cost only a pound), which are loaded with goodies. The dealers will go through his boxes before the show starts, but there is so much goodies there will be treasures for everyone.



The two photos above show you some of the thousands of figures in all different price range that will be at the show.  This is a show where you can go around the show twenty times and still find something new on the twenty-first time.  The show will have at least 40 dealers if not more. While most of the dealers will be from the UK, there will be dealers from Germany and other countries. This will give you a chance to discover figures that you have never seen.

At PW Show Peter Cole of Replicants will have on sale a new set of figures. One of  the questions on the new figures is what will they be? Last year was a great set of smugglers related to the books of Doctor Syn.  Will Peter Cole do more related to Doctor Syn, we will have to see.

Right next to where the show is being held is a pub which will have everything sandwiches to full meals. The bar will be open so you can have a pint or two. so you take break sit  down and talk with people with your same interest.

So mark the date down and hope to see you there.

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6 Responses to Plastic Warrior Show 2016 Date Announced

  1. erwin says:

    WOW!!;that is a true all plastic show, look those Manurba,Dom-Leyla ,timpo,swap germans/else huge amount for bargain prices.

    • admin says:

      Some of the figures are inexpensive others are not it depends on the dealer. I got at the last show Laurie and I attended the Timpo Hopalong Cassidy which I paid 40 pounds or $64.00. Not cheap but the quality was like it was out of a store. At the same show there were two more at the same price with 50% paint gone. It boils down what you are willing to pay.

  2. Erwin says:

    If we try get those here we will paid much more.even if woul be by barely see any of those here in that diversity and quantity.
    I bet no other show is plastic as that.

  3. Michael Purchase says:

    Thanks Stad.
    Do you have an email address or website for Peter Bergner?

  4. Markus says:

    Peters website is
    Of course more boxes at his show to come last sunday in November.

    • admin says:

      Thank you for the information, I have already helped Mike, but other people who would like to contact Peter Bergner you have his web site now.Peter’s boxes are gaining legendary status. You could spend hours going through them.

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