Why Marx Rescue Tank


The next one in our Why series is the Marx Rescue Tank. I remembered buying the Rescue Tank at Kiddie City around 1976. I picked it up because of the figures which were some of the last original figures done by Marx.  I  always wonder if any children really played with it.  I could see the sub that was done the same way but the tank?

The tank is hard plastic and  is missing  it separate hook. It was one of four Rescue Vehicles. The others being Rescue Truck, Rescue Helicopter and Rescue sub. The tank came with three army figures walking with satchel, with walkie talkie  and walking with axe. The army figures were also with the Rescue Truck. The other two sets had three navy figures. The vehicles and figures were sold  with accessories on a blister card. You can see pictures of the blister cards at Kent Sprecher’s web site. 

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7 Responses to Why Marx Rescue Tank

  1. erwin says:

    Maybe because of peace movement of the time !!??,no hard to convert in to a real fighting armor I guess

    • admin says:

      These sets were done when Marx was own by Quaker Oats. The company had a non-violent policy and it reflected in some of the products that Marx put out. Also you had the Vietnam War going on which also came into play.

      • erwin says:

        No wonder they did it…too sad those times that kill the army plastic men…it end an entire generation of kids dreams…

  2. Mark T. says:

    I remember seeing these in a discount store in the mid 70s and sort of planning to get them, but I never did. I never knew they were Marx until fairly recently when I saw them on Kent Sprecher’s site. I recall at around that time, war toys really were not popular. GI Joe became this sort of secret agent/explorer/environmentalist and the Big Jim outdoorsmen sets were popular for boys. I remember my mom taking me to the park with my 100 figure bag of MPC soldiers one day in about 1973 and about 5 different people passing by made snide remarks to my mother like “Teaching him early, eh?” My mom never let me take my soldiers out of the house again after that.

  3. erwin says:

    It could well be used for tank hauler , in any army you need them, specially using the heavy tank for that purpose

  4. I’ve a query about the piece, where can i make contact with the person responsible?

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