Blue Box WWII German set #1 Regular army (50 to 52mm) was the second series produced by Blue Box right after the WWII Japanese. The Germans were done in hard and soft plastic. The soft plastic was sold painted and unpainted. They were sold in window boxes with accessories and bag with figures alone. Most armor vehicles sold with this set were only in HO scale and had the German cross which was added later.
Picture 1 shows the correct order from left to right that they would come from the mold.
Picture two is the back side of the figures.
Pictures 3 and 4 are close ups of the officers and two soldiers holding MP40’s. The detail in the officers always impressed me. The MP40 was well done; the only negative was the long mag. It was easy to cut as I did with most of my figures. I kept these figures in the original form. The Blue Box MP 38/40 was a plus because at that time as most plastic WWII German soldiers with the MP 38/40 by other companies were poorly depicted.
Pictures 5, 6 and 7 the Blue Box Germans are shown next to 1/35 Scale Italeri kit Germans and German zombie figures.
Some of the Blue Box aren’t too bad !
I’ve sure seen worse than this. If I had them, they’d find a lace in one of my units.
*place, not lace. I hate this new computer.
Yep I too.
I do collect for two reason.
One curiosity/nostalgic
Two ;for historical relevance.
On first I don’t care about scale math or detail, wile in second choice of my collection I’m very in to accuracy/match.
The Blue Box collection find way in my first choice of my collection but ironical some times like in these Germans even poses and scale are not very good they are in my opinion more historical accurate in uniform and weapon than many others as (marx,lido,mpc Germans) that even thought their poses are much better-specially in Marx, their uniform look like trash or ex convict PW and weapon not much to said either.Even the Airfix german infantry well uniformed and poses have an ODD light machine gunner pose that I can not understand why British firm did it so rare after know well all German weapons and been Airfix a pro historical line of hobby. The same pose was almost copied by Matchbox and ended been a rare MP 40 with short barrel too. Again another mistake. Britain went a bit better in their German infantry but not exact MP40 .And it was in facts early ESCI,DULCOP and even Atlantic from Italy who did a much more correct weapons .
Dulcop in fact did the first MP 44 pose ever in plastic.
The blue box indeed fall down in scale and pose detail but are a nice add in collection and a perfect match next to CTS under scale armor.