It Is a Surgeon


You can see the figure that we though was a surgeon is a surgeon. You will also notice that the set has a cannon crew.

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11 Responses to It Is a Surgeon

  1. Wayne W says:

    It would be quite an effort and expense to build an army based on this set but these guys would be great supplements to an already existing set. The surgeon, priest, and arty crew make it attractive in my opinion.

    • Greg Liska says:

      The AIP Russians would do well enough. I think they even cast them in that same, or a very close, color.

  2. erwin says:

    Wayne.In my opinion this small company is making toy soldiers in the way as figurines set. As I mention before every set represent a collection of many corp/forces uniform type per figure in one set, including characters as case of Finland war and Cuba revolution set. So yes very hard build army out of then as we do with most standard with one uniform type army in one set . Still as you well say is a great add on if we can afford to buy it at price.
    Thanks admi/Stads; now we can see better out of this new picture that the guy is a surgeon and other an artillery man or may be good for navy coastal gun crew too as pants fold up!?This type hat(flat pick)top- was also used by Prussian and Austrian soldiers too from 1812-1890. Could well be accepted with minor variation and paint for US 1845-1848 Mexican war!? and even some US civil war too.
    Is this the firs surgen ever made with knife in hand on plastic!? or I’m wrong
    One interesting fact is they had done almost all set related to Russian/Soviet later centuries history and communism(Cuba) but only one no related(Hebrews).So I’m wondering what is next as very fast making set in short run, I also notice some sets are out of supply by main Russian sellers.
    PLVYS so far had not done any more yet!? Or maybe waiting to surprise us!?Not too mention their price are way high as only 6-8 figures for $38.-45.00 USD!

  3. Greg Liska says:

    Atlantic did some doctors, just no cuttin’ tools in hand. Same effect, although more modern looking.

    • admin says:

      Conte Collectibles did a surgeon figure for its Alamo set. It came with three different arms with knife, with cleaver and with pistol. If you go to a show you might find them in the bin of loose Alamo figures.

  4. Wayne W says:

    You also see the occasional Conte surgeon pop up on ebay every now and again.

  5. erwin says:

    the conte figure was part of original playset or regular figure set!?

    • Don Perkins says:

      The Conte surgeon figure first appeared in Conte’s Zulu playset, and then reappeared in Conte’s Alamo playsets. Once the playsets had been issued, then the figure was part of individual bagged sets of Alamo figures, and (I think) bagged sets of French Foreign Legion figures.

  6. Don Perkins says:

    The surgeon figure also appeared in Conte’s Beau Geste playset.

  7. denitz says:

    It’s not just surgeon, but famous Pirogov himself.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for the update, very interesting he also did training of women for the medical field like Florence Nightingale did on the Western side of the Crimean War. Are there any other famous people who are part of the figures for the siege of Sevastopol set?

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