CTS has sent Some Photos of Their new figure

102_8121CTS  has sent us two photos to show different views of the propose North Korean standing firing. Enjoy


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9 Responses to CTS has sent Some Photos of Their new figure

  1. erwin says:

    Uniform very well depicted, so pose and style. Winter parka clothing used too in most mountain Korean region during all spring and fall. So figure could wee be use for all time period.
    Now here I’m with my historical point that hope does not anoint many, but always like to mention.
    The weapon is suppose to be a (SVT-40) or (1941 Tula SVT-40 )sniper variant that if was it then will be good if added the scope. Or may be is a late prototype SKS type -63!?Used by N Korean in great quantities.
    Interesting part is that Chinese and North Koreans at this time used a very large varied amount of weapons from Russia and some western countries as well some made and produced by then too. A good opportunity for CTS to depict those weapons in the figures.AS SUGESTION!!
    Last I always got an issue with anatomy on CTS some sculpture. Mine opinion German and late GI’s are the best ever done by then.
    Again my congratulation to CTS who had provided the most and best from late 90 till now in continued production with great new products. Thank you for all for your effort and dedication to the hobby were so few manage to do so much for the small band !!

  2. Wayne W says:

    It’s kind of hard to tell from the photo and this is a master in the rough, but it looks like it might be an SKS (not enough detail to determine which variant), but the front sight and muzzle sure looks like ours.

    • George Albany says:

      Difficult to say for sure, but looking at the enlargement of the second photo, sure looks like an SKS to me. I’ve got two ChCom surplus SKSs in the closet and they sure look similar.

  3. Don Perkins says:

    I think North Korean infantry is an excellent follow-on to the already released Communist Chinese infantry. I also like the posing of this new figure. We always need the standard poses (standing firing, kneeling firing, advancing, attacking, running, etc.). And this new figure gives us a good standing firing pose, while also being sculpted in a way that gives us a new, unique pose at the same time. I’m really looking forward to this North Korean set, as well as the rest of the whole new CTS Korean War range.

    I’m also hoping CTS does a nice new U.S. Pershing tank, which I understand was the predominate U.S. armor in the Korean War. Since I spent 13 months in Korea (albeit 20 years after the fighting stopped), I find the whole period interesting. Plus my childhood fascination as I watched “Pork Chop Hill” at a downtown movie theater in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

    Maybe this new set will be unveiled at OTSN, if not before. If available, I’m sure we can depend on TSSD to have a good supply in Chicago.

    • Brian Johnson says:

      Would be nice if CTS did a “Centurion” tank as well for the Commonwealth Forces and a set of Commonwealth Infantry figures.Would be nice if Selltoys had a “Centurion” on their to do list.In fact I would rather CTS concentrated on figure sets and Selltoys took care of the AFVs.One can dream.

  4. erwin says:

    Brian I will be hoping that too but. Problem here is once again demand/sales versus production. As US soldiers and SK armies used same gear/uniform and weapon and were the 90% of allies forces involved in action .Good chances are those will be done first. Same on armor. Plus CTS and ST are US based companies. Here once again happen same as in WW2 items. British and Russian ,others are left for last. I agree not be correct and fair but the demand/versus sale idea come first to mind on producer and is the leading factor in this hobby.
    About centurion; it was used only in quantity (minor by the way)at Korea war only. Few mid east war saw then used too,specially by Israeli army. But these are not very interesting conflict in collectors. So centurion tank will be in wait list x long ,least from SELLTOY plans.
    Last Korea war was a limited tank versus tank conflict, most tanks were used as forward artillery weapon because of the huge hill terrain and lack of enemy armor.
    So tanks for this collection could be replaced by what is already on sale for now I guess.
    Still new selltoy armor will be of great use for this too as were used at Korea.

    • Don Perkins says:

      Well, Erwin, when are you going to tell us your next Sell Toy project?!! Your last comment piques our curiosity!

  5. erwin says:

    Sorry we all in the loop yet!!

  6. erwin says:

    Sorry new release will be updated on this forum first with permit of admin as soon is ready; I have not yet decided.

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