Marx 60mm Soccer Figure


I noticed that Marx 60mm Soccer Figure has the word soccer on it. Seeing the word soccer on the figure made me wonder was Marx afraid that people would not know what the figure was? what do you think? 

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8 Responses to Marx 60mm Soccer Figure

  1. erwin says:

    Back in that time when the figure was done. Most American kid and adults too no even play or know any about this sport. So I will assume that your thinking is correct. Wonder if any other Marx sport figure has the name of on it too.!?

  2. Mark says:

    I’ll buy that theory !

  3. Ed Borris says:

    I’m a life long athlete, and in my entire life I have never played a game of soccer. Football, baseball, track, cross country, boxing, basketball, tennis, softball, but no soccer. In my neighborhood there wasn’t even a soccer ball to be found.

    • admin says:

      ED B
      Back in our days soccer was not a major sport here in the states. That has changed. I feel the soccer figure was added for the foreign markets.

      • George Albany says:

        Oddly enough, my high school, (late sixties/early seventies) was a soccer powerhouse. We were also well respected for football and basketball too. Anyhow, we had a phys ed teacher who was English and I think played professionally over there. He started a dynasty that continues today, over forty years later. Incidentally, when I went to college and signed up to play intermural soccer and the phys ed dept. found out where I went to high school, they tried to get me to join the soccer team. No way, I knew I wasn’t good enough. I have to say, when it comes to watching sports, soccer is not high on my list, maybe above golf and tennis, but not by much. Welp, that didn’t have much to do with the figure, did it?

  4. erwin says:

    What year this figure was made!?

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