As mention in a comment, Greg Liska has done some Confederate buglers.
Here is his comments why he did them.
I had to do some Reb buglers, too. So, what’s my deal with buglers? They were very important. They were the ‘radio operators’ of their day. Without them, you lost most of the control of your soldiers. Even a success could turn into a loss without them. Say a cavalry brigade attacks another mounted body and routes them. They will continue the pursuit unless they are roped in. They can get scattered and actually forget their real mission, which may have been to screen or protect the flank of an infantry formation, thereby leaving the infantry’s flank wide open. They can get so strung out chasing a defeated foe that they leave themselves open for counter attack. The bugler sent the message – charge, rally, retreat, etc. The bugle told the trooper ‘what’ and the flag told him ‘where’.
Adding the different slouch hats to these guys made them look very different from their original pose. Even when placed near their original, they look different enough.