Show Reports New Jersey and More

Shows Reports New Jersey and More: First, I have my report of my visit to the New Jersey Show. Next, Mike Predergast of War Horse Miniatures shared some photos from the Midwestern Toy Soldier Show.

Shows Reports New Jersey Show

Shows Reports New Jersey tables

I decided to do the New Jersey Toy Soldier show as I had not been in the area in a few years. I got to the show just before it opened and got right in. The show was mostly metal.

Shows Reports New Jersey Beton

Most of the plastic at the show was Britains Deetail though I did see Timpo. One dealer had a big selection of Beton with some tin litho Marx. I did get some foreign figures and Marx reissues from Matt Murphy of Hobby Bunker. After a few trips around I headed home to avoid possible bad weather.

Midwest Toy Soldier Show 2025

Room trading list

Mike sent me photos of the Midwest Show. Here is the list of the people who set up before the show.

John Anderson's room

John Anderson had a nice selection of items for sale including this Marx gas station.

Shows Reports New Jersey figure

John had a nice selection of boxes and loose figures.

Shows Reports New Jersey Joe Baker

Joe Baker had a nice selection of figures including this foam castel.

Shows Reports New Jersey speira

Joe had a nice selection of Speira Miniatures the 3D company from Sweden. These figures really add to your scenes.

Shows Reports New Jersey miner

Speira does a wide range of figures. I like the Sabertooth Tiger attacking the hunter. The Western Miners would go well with the Marx mine front.

Shows Reports New Jersey Batman

The surprise of the show was the Ideal Batman Playset that Rick Eber had. This set is highly prized by collectors and in demand. This is one the most expensive playset on the collector’s market. Rick had sold the playset to a customer who picked it up at the show.

I will have more photo from the show in future posts.

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3 Responses to Show Reports New Jersey and More

  1. TD Barnecut says:

    With 3D printing it’s possible to print hollow figures to save on resin but if the layers are too thin it makes a very fragile figure. Also liquid resin may remain inside the figure if a small drain opening is not designed into the figure.
    I’m curious to know if the Swedish figures are solid rein?

  2. TD Barnecut says:

    Solid resin.

  3. LYNN J GRAVES says:

    I have a number of them and they are great.

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