Back in the Real World: Hospital Time Back when I had a begin tumor removed fourteen years ago, they discovered two health problems. The first was Ab Fib. The other problem was urological. I had a hidden or buried penis. It took fourteen years to resolve this and why the delay.
Back in the Real World: History of My Condition
Buried penis syndrome isĀ a condition where the penis is pushed down and buried due to inflammation, excess fat, or other issues. The solution to resolve it is to operate. My problem was every Urologist I had said we can operate but you have to lose weight. That is easier said than done. Also, I became Laurie’s caregiver for the last five years of her life. One of my jobs was taking her out in a wheelchair. This was a major operation as I would have to use a combination of a walker and a wheelchair to get her into her car ( which I drove). I would then have to put the wheelchair in the back which was another hassle. While I could have gotten people to come in to help as I recovered, Laurie was paranoid about having strangers in the house.
Finally, once Laurie passed away I had to deal with other health issues, so I did not think about it. In November 2024, I had my annual urologic appointment with my newest doctor. I went in and thought well this will be a waste of time. Instead, the doctor said I can operate. My expression was one of shock. I said go ahead.
The Operation
On January 10, I went to the hospital. The operation was three hours long as they had to do a skin graft. This was followed by five days in the hospital to ensure the skin graft worked. I will now spend the next six weeks recovering. I will be missing some shows but this had to be done. i will keep you posted.
God speed!
God Bless you sir .
My wife and I will be praying for you !
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Yes, Paul, tke it easy and get well soon.
I hope all goes well for you. I’m recovering from a big hernia operation. All the best to you and get well soon.
It seems like at a certain point in life the ailments, aches, pains, and owies line up. I’ve had to tell mine to take a number and wait because it’s my turn to take care of my wife after she’s had a couple surgeries. She’s been taking care of me the last five years through COVID, Cataracts, ulcers, and cancer.
Best wishes to you Paul; glad to hear an update from you. You got a lot of us pulling for you.
Godspeed, Stad!!!
glad you came through the surgery ok and you will recover and be ok. thoughts and prayers go out to you
My dctor is a specialist in this procedure. The roughest part has the recovery at home.
Yes, Paul, take it easy and get well soon!
i am taking it easy. sherri and Ronnie will take care of the snow we will get tomorrow.
Hi Paul
All the best with the recovery.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery my good friend.
There is allot of prayers for you and blessing for you to get back to enjoying all that life has to offer