Back in the Real World: Hospital Time

Back in the Real World: Hospital Time Back when I had a begin tumor removed fourteen years ago, they discovered two health problems. The first was Ab Fib. The other problem was urological. I had a hidden or buried penis. It took fourteen years to resolve this and why the delay.

Back in the Real World: History of My Condition

Buried penis syndrome isĀ a condition where the penis is pushed down and buried due to inflammation, excess fat, or other issues. The solution to resolve it is to operate. My problem was every Urologist I had said we can operate but you have to lose weight. That is easier said than done. Also, I became Laurie’s caregiver for the last five years of her life. One of my jobs was taking her out in a wheelchair. This was a major operation as I would have to use a combination of a walker and a wheelchair to get her into her car ( which I drove). I would then have to put the wheelchair in the back which was another hassle. While I could have gotten people to come in to help as I recovered, Laurie was paranoid about having strangers in the house.

Finally, once Laurie passed away I had to deal with other health issues, so I did not think about it. In November 2024, I had my annual urologic appointment with my newest doctor. I went in and thought well this will be a waste of time. Instead, the doctor said I can operate. My expression was one of shock. I said go ahead.

The Operation

On January 10, I went to the hospital. The operation was three hours long as they had to do a skin graft. This was followed by five days in the hospital to ensure the skin graft worked. I will now spend the next six weeks recovering. I will be missing some shows but this had to be done. i will keep you posted.

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14 Responses to Back in the Real World: Hospital Time

  1. LYNN J GRAVES says:

    God speed!

  2. Michael says:

    God Bless you sir .
    My wife and I will be praying for you !

  3. Steve Rhea says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  4. gary dibello says:

    Yes, Paul, tke it easy and get well soon.

  5. Theo Bessiris says:

    I hope all goes well for you. I’m recovering from a big hernia operation. All the best to you and get well soon.

  6. Wayne W says:

    It seems like at a certain point in life the ailments, aches, pains, and owies line up. I’ve had to tell mine to take a number and wait because it’s my turn to take care of my wife after she’s had a couple surgeries. She’s been taking care of me the last five years through COVID, Cataracts, ulcers, and cancer.

    Best wishes to you Paul; glad to hear an update from you. You got a lot of us pulling for you.

  7. David Ring says:

    Godspeed, Stad!!!

  8. david j carpenter says:

    glad you came through the surgery ok and you will recover and be ok. thoughts and prayers go out to you

  9. gary dibello says:

    Yes, Paul, take it easy and get well soon!

  10. michael says:

    Hi Paul
    All the best with the recovery.

  11. Larry Patterson says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery my good friend.
    There is allot of prayers for you and blessing for you to get back to enjoying all that life has to offer

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