September 2024 Plastic Figure Showcase Spanish Figures

September 2024 Plastic Figure Showcase Spanish Figures, in this post I am going to show you some unique Spanish figures. Next, I will talk about a show I did this month finally, why I am not posting much.

September 2024 Plastic Figure Showcase Spanish Figures

September 2024 Plastic Figure mounted knight

I recently acquired a large collection of Spanish plastic figures. One problem is what I am going to keep for myself. I have enjoyed Spanish plastic since I acquired many figures forty years ago. The Spanish makers made some unique figures (they also copied other companies’ figures.) This collection made it rough as it contained many rare figures.

One figure I decided to keep is the above knight. I had seen it in books and other sources. It is an advertising piece done for Ajax in Spain.

September 2024 Plastic Figure Lafred Knights

I saw these figures first time in the collection. They were done by LaFredo. They are part of a set of five figures they did in 1951. LaFredo also copied the Britains swoppet knights but did them as solid figures.

September 2024 Plastic Figure pirate

This figure is a 65mm pirate. It was made by a company called Aster. This is a very rare figure. It is only the second seen by collectors.

Lehigh Valley Toy Show

Remco armored car

I did only one show this month the Leigh High Valley Toy Show. It used to be in Allentown but moved 20 miles East when the location they were using closed. It is held twice a year and while it is mostly action figures I can occasionally find figures. This year I just missed a partial Remco Gladiator ship the smaller version of the Big Caesar. I did get this Remco armored car and a few figures. What is more important to me anymore is to see old friends. One of my friends Chris Lamont is fighting various health issues. It was good to see him out. Another friend John Lamana who is a friend of Daniel Roebuck told me he would be helping Dan at Chiller. After an enjoyable two hours, I headed out.

Why I Have Not Been Posting

This past month was hectic. First, with my procedure, then I have been busy with Ebay. Add to that some non-toy soldier projects I don’t know where the day goes. Russian companies are pushing out figures that it is hard to keep up. Next month looks busy as well. I will try get another article up soon.

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8 Responses to September 2024 Plastic Figure Showcase Spanish Figures

  1. Wayne W says:

    I had one of the Remco WWI sets; got it for Christmas 1965. It had one each aircraft, tank, armored car and cannon for each side with about five each figures for each side. I loved it as there weren’t any WWI figures available. So, normally a stickler for “proper” colors at the age of nine (gray for rebs, blue for yanks, etc…) I forgave the bright red and blue of my two “Armies” and the fact I wished there were more. But it did bug me that some of my red “doughboys” (or Tommies if you prefer) had pickelhaubes. I still played the heck out of that set. I had one of the tanks and aircraft for years, in spite of all the moving around. Even still had a yank or two. I haven’t seen them since before I moved into my house over 30 years ago.

    Thanks for the blast from the past. They were my first and only WWI figures until I discovered Airfix HO/OO figures in Belgium in 1970.

  2. david j carpenter says:

    paul glad you are feeling good enough to be so busy.

  3. gary dibello says:

    Yes, Paul, I’m glad that you are feeling up to posting, etc. These are great figures. I don’t blame you for wanting to hold on to them! Thanks for sharing, though. This is the only place I will ever get to see these figures and learn of the makers.

  4. Erwin F Sell says:

    I use Remco vehicles for post ww1 or inter war period conflicts ,such Sino japanese war ,south america ,colonial and even ww2 japanese armor .Nine rare figures from Spain.
    You doing great Paul .Stay strong …

  5. BRIAN says:

    I re-paint and use the Remco Tanks for WW2 Japanese and the Truck for Irish Civil War.

    • Erwin F Sell says:

      Good ideas!!.Did not thought of Irish rebellion .Will use them for it .

    • Wayne W says:

      Great ideas! This has me wanting to look for them, to replace a lost piece of my childhood.

      Folks ask me if I’m going through my second childhood. I answer, “Second?”

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