Mystery Knights Identified Odds Ends New Stuff

Mystery Knights Identified Odds Ends New Stuff, I have new poses from Michael Mordaunt Smith. He has finally figured out who the figures are from. Also, I have previews of new figures from here and Russia. Finally, we have notice for the Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show on August 25.

Mystery Knights Identified Odds Cody March

Mystery Knights Identified Odds Mounted knight

My friend Michael Mordaunt Smith has been testing the various molds he acquired last year. His recent work was two mounted figures. This is the first figure. You will figure out how the lance arm must be glued on.

Mystery Knights Identified Odds helmet

The second mounted knight is a full-helmet knight. Michael when he saw the figure with a beard went to the website Chevaliers of France. Going through the site, he found the answer. the figures were made by a company called Cody March. This company existed in the 70’s but little is known about it. When you look at the samples on the page you will see the same face as the first photo.

Interestingly, these figures did not have a wider distribution.

New Figures

Mystery Knights Identified Odds Pub Vikings

The Russian companies are pushing so much material it is hard to keep up with. Here is Publius’ offering of Vikings Runecraft.

Mystery Knights Identified Odds russian army

Another set from Pulius is the Russian Army Suvoru’s Swiss Campaign

Mystery Knights Identified Odds Store

Legend has done additional figures for a series called One Among Strangers, a Stranger Among One’s Own. I will have to find out more on this series. I like the figures as they could be characters in my stories which I have no time to do.

conte Viking spear

Richard Conte is showing samples from the factory of his next release Vikings. Note the Mr. Douglas (Hail Einar)approved/designed Conteco logo assuming a place of honor on the shield.

Viking with an ax

Another pose a Viking with a long ax. No dates on when these figures will be out.

Mystery Knights Identified Odds Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show

On August 25th we will have another great show. There will lots of plastic figures for sale. Mike Predergast will be there from Warhorse Minatures. I will be roaming around as well. Hope to see you there.

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5 Responses to Mystery Knights Identified Odds Ends New Stuff

  1. Hal Hughes says:

    The second figure in the “One Among Strangers” group, holding a lantern, is taken directly from a figure in Disney’s Haunted Mansion ride. He appears just as your ride enters the graveyard.

  2. TD Barnecut says:

    The Cody March knights might look good in some silver or grey plastic test shots to better show the detailing.

  3. John Doyle says:

    What scale are the Cody March mystery knights? 70mm?

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