Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian Figures

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian Figures, Scott gives us a preview of his new figures. Also, Scott shows his future release of ancient Hebrews.

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian Figures a Review

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian figures New Kingdom

Very pleased to inform you of the release of two new sets as follows:-

  • 60 EGP 01                 Provincial Infantry, New Kingdom Egyptian
  • 60 EGP 01-EP          Early Period Infantry, New Kingdom Egyptian

All models are supplied unpainted.

All sets are available for shipment by 24 July 2024, if not earlier.

Egyptian forces spear

The box set contains 9 model soldiers including 1 officer, 4 assault troops (spearmen), and  4 shooters (bowmen). These models are in the classical appearance of Egyptian infantry at the battle of Kadesh (1274 B.C.). The Egyptian army is divided into 4 components: War Chariots, Royal Guards, Army Corps (central army), and Provincial Levy. We will be issuing sets of all of the above in due course including the auxiliaries and enemies of Egypt.

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian officer

Here is a photo of an Egyptian officer.

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian archers

Egyptian infantry are divided into two tactical divisions: Assault shock troops (sword and spear) and Shooters (bow and arrow).

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian with sword

Here is an Egyptian with a sword and a shield.


The distinct features of Egyptian soldiers of this period is their head-cloth and apron protectors.


Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian provincal

The box set contains 9 model soldiers including 1 officer, 4 assault troops (spearmen), and  4 shooters (bowmen). These models are in the appearance of Egyptian infantry from the Middle Kingdom period to the battles of Ahmose, the expulsion of the Hyksos, and the battle of Megiddo (1457 B.C.). Of course, at a pinch, they could be used as emergency levies in later periods.

Foot soldiers

t this early period, the distinctive head cloth has not adopted. Instead, the soldiers wear a wig. The apron protector has also not been introduced. The shape of the shield is also different. 


You can do two different poses of the archers.

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian spear

Egyptian soldier with a spear and a shield.

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian officer

A peek at the other troop types to come:-

Army Corps soldiers with banded armor; and royal guards with studded armor.

Hebrew with sword

For those interested in the Biblical battles, our Ancient Hebrew sets are also already completed.

Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian Hebrew Army

Here are the Hebrew Army figures

A Personal Note from Scott

June 2024 has been a busy month for me. A medical check-up indicated that I had a silent heart attack sometime in late April or early May and that my heart had been injured. The hospital in Singapore put in 2 stents (angioplasty) for my heart artery. I am now recuperating in Singapore. My daily prescribed medication consists of 13 different pills. With so many chemicals flushing my system, I am stoned and in constant need of rest. I seek your kind understanding if my response to queries is delayed.

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11 Responses to Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptian Figures

  1. Wayne W says:

    None of us is getting any younger and mileage takes its toll. Best wishes, thoughts, and prayers for your recovery Scott.

  2. Timothy Viezer says:

    Wishing Scott and speedy recovery.

  3. Marvin Pontiff says:

    Rest up and take care!!

  4. Jack Gibbons says:

    I suffered a blocked artery in my classroom on Holy Thursday in March. I collapsed and died right there. Due to CPR by my fellow workers, the use of the defibulator, and the 8 shocks from the EMTs I was able to make it to the hospital. Three stents later and a wake up on Good Friday and I was on the road to recovery. I will return to teach in late August.
    You have been given a second chance. Follow the doctors’ instructions, take your medicine, work on fitness, watch the diet, and don’t push yourself too hard. Take care of you for you and your family. Toy soldiers can wait until you have recovered. God bless!

  5. Sean Kevany says:

    Just take care of your self.

  6. Hal Hughes says:

    I wish you well for a speedy and complete recovery.

    I always enjoy your commentaries.

    Best wishes,

  7. Joe Costa says:

    My best wishes for your good health, Scott. I’ll keep you in my prayers. 🙏🙏🙏

  8. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    hello Paul,
    the Egyptians look great. I hope they match the Supreme and Jecsan figures

  9. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    wish Scott a speedy recovery


  10. Les C says:

    Get well quick feller. We need you.

  11. JJ Schebetta says:

    I am more of a late nineteenth/20th century collector, WW2 toy soldiers, Sci-fi and space figures, and western-era figures. That being said, looking at these Egyptian figures I cannot help myself but think of the “The Mummy” and “The Mummy Returns” films. Two (in my Opinion) modern classic films.

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