Part Two 2024 Plastic Warrior Show Figure Time, I have more figures to show you including samples from the molds I showed earlier this year. Also, I have a rare figure for my collection the Lone Star Crossbow Man. So let’s get started.
Part Two More Figures
I will start off by showing a sample of knights that hopefully be available later this year. These figures are from molds that were found in France last year. They were offered on Ebay France which my friend Michael Mordaunt Smith bought. At this time we have no idea who made them originally. These poses along with mounted figures will be offered. We will keep you aware of this project.
Some more of the figures I got on my trip. The middle figure on the top row is possibly another Cyrnos. The figure on the left is PRB of Italy. The figures of a French soldier and a knight were added to my collection because of their pose. The French soldier is from Colorado. The pirate is a Cane very well painted.
In this photo, you can see a better view of the helmet. Detlef said it is a copy of figure from Germany. The flat of the Indian came in a mix lot I bought. If you notice he is being hit by a tomahawk. The other Indian is from the Disney Pochantos.
My major acquisition from this year’s Plastic Warrior show was the Lone Star Crossbowman. This figure is hard to find at a show and when he shows up goes fast. It was not cheap 10 pounds ($12.70). The price did not bother me as I purchased other figures for much less. Also, I heard that a dealer had bought the same Sir Francis Drake figures I got for 40 pounds and paid 200 pounds.
Part Two 2024 Plastic Warrior Gifts
Ralf of Dabro Parts gave me this variation of the first version of Timpo American. He made a hat to turn it into a doughboy. What do you think?
I got these figures from my friend Detlef Heerbrand. The white figures are from Linde of Austria and are fairy tale figures. The two cowboys are by Manruba. The Indian to the left of the cowboy is from China. Erwin says it from Simba. The green figure is by Preiser. I love the snake. The farmer can be used in various periods.
Hello Paul, the kneeling soldier with flamethrower is from PRB Italy. It is an enlarged version of the figure from Heinerle.
The Indians is from Simba sets,while fugures were made in China ,they are made by Germans artists and most are copies of Elastolin poses,sold in bags ,with forts and western towns along with cowboys and soldiers under SIMBA .
I have the fort ,western tow playsets
The grenade launcher in the second photo is a Colorado (Made in France)
RE:German Flame Thrower,does his head swivel?
Yes ,they were made with many different headgear to represent several armies,set has 12 poses.
I post them all here years ago .
The Doughboy would probably need puttees and a longer blouse to look more like WW1.
A longer rifle with bayonet might look good too, or maybe a B.A.R. ? Swoppet WW1 figures would be cool.
I agree about the “Doughboy/Timpo”…’toy sojer’ makers are you listening? Here’s a great opportunity to use AI/3-D printing to produce new figures. Wouldn’t it be great to have the Swoppet/Tempo concept re-imagined…? Classic Swoppet”s figures with puttees/rifles/gas masks…but still the classic faces you remember? I had several of these original figs as a kiddo playing in the sandbox (I seem to recall that they were called “Snap-A-Part”— maybe I dreamed that as I was only thinking of waking up each Saturday morning to set up my mixture of Marx/Timmee/MPC/Auburn/Lincoln Log figures).
Also, toy sojer-makers…why not scan and print the myriad European fgures that no one in the states even knows about but would love to have…??! (Like me, they only see them on Stad’s Stuff site.)
After all, it’s kinda the same as the HK piraters’ cloning, pantographing, and clumsily copying various figures. But with 3D printng, proper ID can be inprinted on the underside of the bases for propper ID/provenance. Who’s with me on this…??!
Heritage Toy Soldiers did make some very nice swoppet WW1 figures. He retired so his swappet figures are no longer produced.
Don DuCote calls his snap-apart figures (including his WWI French and Germans) “Swappables”; his sole proprietorship was called Heritage Toy Figures.