The Mechants Square Toy show in Allentown Pa. is held twice a year in March and December. The December show was held during the middle of snowstorm, so many of the dealers did not show up. The March show avoid all of these problems so it was well attended.
I arrived just as the doors were opening to get into the show. I walked to the hall to the show and paid my $5.00 admission and started to walk around. There was a nice variety of toys for the collectors. For the plastic figures, while there was a wide variety loose plastic figures and accessories with except of a Marx Prehistoric Playset and a MPC Castle Attacks, playsets were not to be found. The loose plastic that was available was in abundance at either reasonable prices or silly prices. I found some mix bags and Thomas Toy military Jeep to make the trip worthwhile. I also got to see some friends, so it was a worthwhile trip.
Paul: Good to see you at the show. I had a great time chatting with all my “toy buddies.” Bill
It was good seeing you too. I fell half the fun at a show seeing people you know and sometimes a new face.