JB Toy Show Flea Marketing Finds, I went out yesterday to relax. I did a small toy show and did a flea market on the way home. I did not figure out how to get anything and ended up with items in my collection and resale.
JB Toy Show 2024 Amish Country
I decided to go out for a ride on Sunday. I decided to go to the JB Toy Show. It is a small show mostly action figures. The show had been at a shopping center, but lost its location and moved back to a firehouse in New Holland PA. The new location is in the Amish country so I got to see lots of Amish going to church in their buggies. I arrived and looked for my friend Gerry Watts.
Gerry carries a different array of items for a toy show. I find different items for Ebay and my collection. The first photo shows Goofy and Mickey in Western garb. I found from people on Facebook that they are from a Lincoln Log set. Another item from Gerry I found was this HG caveman.
Among Gerry’s plastic vehicles was this jeep from Norway. It is three inches long.
Normally I would not pick these items but I was curious what they are.
Ideal reworked their pirate ship to be used with Disney figures. One of the groups was the above Donald Duck and nephews. They were also used with a raft.
Another purchase was a Sinclair stegosaurus. They were sold using a moldarama machine. I had got the set for Laurie over the year.
JB Toy Show Flea Marketing Other Finds
After going through Gerry’s stock, I went over to see my other friend Chris Lamont, and his wife Mare. Near them, a dealer had a few items including this bag. The bag had two Airfix copies sold by Imperial Toy Company.
When I flipped the bag I discovered that the pose of the army was changed to running with a bayonet rifle. Checking with Erwin he told me the Imperial did a series of figures in 1976. The figures were a hybrid of Airfix and Matchbox figures.
I went over to a local flea market. I found a few pieces one was the CTS trees.
Finally I picked up this lot of Barzso Collectibles Merrymen.
The Barzso archers make a good firing line.
I found several bags of those Imperial Toy GIs back in the mid-70s at a 7-11 (of all places) on Long Island…curious hybrids to say the least!
Yes, they are very different and it was the first time that I saw them.
Great finds !!
I have full imperial poses and discovered recently there was 2 more made than previously thought or mentioned in some site .11 poses so far .The running pose is actually base in Airfix Australian pose with american helmet head added .These are not common at all and hard to come by worldwide as far i know ..The HG cavemen are 4 poses ,made in the 80s ,not common either here least .