Markus Leckshied December Treasures Great Items

Markus Leckshied December Treasures Great Items, my friend Markus sent me items he had for me and what he picked up at the German Plastic Show. Also, I have two conversion figures I picked up from Germany’s Ebay.

Markus Leckshied December Treasures Indian Wars

Markus sent me a wide variety of figures to add to my collection ranging from old to new. One of the new items was the Kit Soldiers Indian Wars. The set contains a pioneer and Indian in 60mm. I Am very impressed by the quality of the figures.

Markus Leckshied December Treasures russian warriors

Markus sent one of Kit Soldiers’ ancient Russian Warriors. The set contains 8 different poses well detailed and in great soft plastic.

russian Warriors from Kit soldiers

The ancient figures are available in the States from Hobby Bunker and MicShaun’s Closet. The price is very reasonable $25.00 for eight figures.

Cowboy and native

Two interesting figures First the cowboy with the money bag and a pipe. The native woman with a pot on her head.

Markus Leckshied December Treasures Dragon rider

Here is one of the Dragon Riders I showcased several months ago. I have not gotten a chance to see if it is one of the figures we have or a new pose.

Markus Leckshied December Treasures pirates

New to me are these 45mm pirates. No idea who made them.

Atlantic figures

Two different Atlantic figures which I might have.

Markus Leckshied December Treasures speria women

Markus and I have been trading 3D figures. I get him Warhorse Miniatures and he gets me Speira Miniatures. here we have three dangerous women. I like the woman with her right foot on the box.

Civil War Sailors

He sent four different Civil War sailors A nice variety of poses.

the Chef

The final two figures are a chef and a man in a rocking chair with a rifle or shotgun. The chef can be used in so many different periods and even as a comic book villain. The man in the rocking chair is missing one of legs. A notorious problem with Speria.

Markus Leckshied December Treasures Two More

 Markus Leckshied December Treasures Robin Hood

Two more figures from Markus, the first is a Dom Robin Hood figure. Markus was kind enough to look for some of the Medieval figures and a knife thrower from the circus series for a friend. My friend had the above figure so I have kept it.

 Markus Leckshied December Treasures seated people

Finally, we have these three seated people. I wonder where they were used.

Conversion Figures

Sheriff resting

One of the photos from the German Plastic Show showed a table of conversions. I know if I had been there I would have bought from the party. Going through Ebay Germany I turned him and bought these two figures.

 Markus Leckshied December Treasures sheriff

I like the sheriff sitting with his weapons out.

 Markus Leckshied December Treasures pouring a drink

The other figure is pouring a drink which you do not have too many of. The figures were not cheap I believe I have $100.00 into the two with shipping, but I can dollar cost average with other purchases I made this year.

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13 Responses to Markus Leckshied December Treasures Great Items

  1. Erwin F Sell says:

    About the knights I post a link here no long ago with other some other.
    It’s belong to fantasy blog.

  2. Tom Black says:

    I have about 8 of the Speira Civil War Naval figures. They are very nice and long overdue.

  3. Wayne W says:

    There are some great figures here. Speira has had my attention for sometime now. Kit figures are definitely a company to watch. Some really great sculpts; the frontiersman and Indian have definitely caught my eye. Is there any news on whether they are/or will be part of a larger set? I will keep an eye out for them.

  4. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    The seated figures are racing track figures from the Carrera brand


  5. James Nixon says:

    The Kit Soldiers you can also get them from Steve Weston of plastic soldiers in the UK.

  6. Wayne W says:

    Thanks for the info guys. I found a set on Ebay; was disappointed that there weren’t more to the set, but still some great sculpts. With things the way they are in Ukraine right now I am amazed anything is able to be produced.

    • Erwin F Sell says:

      Yes I’m surprised too but as time pass I noticed a slowing down in amount set.
      Mars from Ukrenia was producing far more sets per year,unfortunately he had slow down,the war definitely had affected him .His set had increased generally in quality .
      Incredible enough,direct shipping from Ukrenia is stillnot bad ,I got two separated sets resently that took a bit over two weeks to arrive here using ebay from both sellers directly.

  7. Biff Smith says:

    The Civil War Sailors are AWESOME! Are they available anywhere?

  8. Mark says:

    Great cowboy conversions , the civil war sailors are My favorite !

  9. Dan Harrick says:

    Don’t forget the great figures being made and shipping well from Ukraine…. ElastoWit .

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