July Plastic Figure Showcase 2022 Upcoming Figures, I have a number of new figures to pass on to you. including Elastowit Swamp Fox. Mike Pendergast of War Horse Miniatures has Vikings to add to his expanding figure line. Plastic Platoon is showing accessories for their pirate series. Finally, how I am doing?
July Plastic Figure Showcase Elastowith Swamp Fox
Warhorse Miniatures Vikings
July Plastic Figure Showcase Plastic Platoon Pirate Fortifications
Stad’s Health Update 7/27/22
First, I would like to thank all of you who sent me words of condolences and encouragement. They helped me get through this negative time. Right now, I am slowly recovering. I have good days and bad days. I tire easily and have to be careful about my trips outside. My plans are to do a toy show in September. I will have to do more therapy so I can do the show. I will keep you informed.
Wishing you well, my friend. Getting old(er) isn’t for sissies. I was just getting to feeling better from chemo and got hit with COVID again – thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as my last go round. You are in our prayers and thoughts. I am so glad you’re hanging in there. Your site here is a bright spot in my (and I’m sure others’) day. It’s place for friends who might never actually get to meet face to face to gather. Thank you for all you do for the hobby – and hobbyists.
Glad to hear you are doing better. Thank you for the kind words, I have tried to make the place fun from some of the garbage out there.
You have had a very rough time. However, The way you have handled it is nothing short of inspirational. Thoughts & prayers are with you. Hang in there things will improve,
I had major shocks after my father died. Some of what happened to me I was sort of prepared for. Others I was not like Quinn or the fall. I will be dealing with the fall through the rest of this year.
The older we get the tougher it is to get back up after we get knocked down. The key is to not give up fighting to get back up.
Interesting swamp fox figure, I plan to start a 6 inch swamp fox on horse