Plastic Figure Showcase February 2002 Hanomak Celtics

Plastic Figure Showcase February 2002 Hanomak, we start the month off with a look at Hanomak’s new set Celtics. Next, I share from Rahway photos from Expeditionary Force’s consumer list. I have more on the Marx Arab reissues that Markus Lecksheid found.

Plastic Figure Showcase February 2002 Hanomak Celtics

Plastic Figure Showcase February Celtics
Hanomak who did some exciting sets of World War Two Germans and Russians has turned to a new era. This time they are doing Celtics. The set has six figures five men and one woman. Laurie will like the Celtic with the ax and a human head on the ground. No date when it will be released.

Expeditionary Force

Mortar set
The next sets to be released from the 54mm WW2 Pacific War range – British at Far East series, will be the Mortar Section and the HQ Section. These sets are scheduled for release in March 2022.
machine Gun
We show here again the Piat a British anti-tank weapon.
Plastic Figure Showcase February  radio
i like how the radio operator has his radio on a tree a stump.
Plastic Figure Showcase February  french artilllery
Napoleonic 12-ponder Field Guns for the Guard Artillery.
An overview of the cannon
Napoleonic officer
An officer looking through a spyglass.
Mounted officer

A French Chasseur in fatigue order, with a rolled great coat, on a mission against Spanish guerrillas. The French line of communication in the Peninsular War was full of guerrilla actions. There will be French garrison troops, foot, horse, and gun, in similar dress for this aspect of the war. There will be Spanish guerrillas of course.
Bicone mounted
Heavy Cavalry in bicorne (1805-1807). To be released in late-February 2022.
Plastic Figure Showcase February 2002 Hanomak, cavalry
Canadian Light Dragoons and US Light Dragoons, War of 1812.
Troops for the Alamo.
alamo troop
Officer pose

Marx Arabs Reissue Update

Marx arabs
Marcus Lecksheid sent me a photo of the other Arabs he got. The dealer he got them was selling mostly model kits. This is something I will keep looking into

Plastic Figure Showcase February Detlef’s Painted Figures

detlef Time machine one
Our very good friend Detlef is an excellent painter. he got the Elastowit Time Machine set and painted the figures. Here we have the Morlocks.
Plastic Figure Showcase February Det;ef
Here Detlef did Eloi and Morlocks with a mountain scene. I have no idea where the mountain is from. I can’t wait to see Detlef’s next painting of figures.
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6 Responses to Plastic Figure Showcase February 2002 Hanomak Celtics

  1. ERWIN SELL says:

    The mountain remains me of the TM big rock used in many playset and recast still but not same,I had seen a Chinese version of it different as well but base in TM sold since 90s .
    Nice playset!!

  2. It would seem highly likely to me that Marx partners in England, Germany or Holland might of had access to the Marx Arab mold and ran it years ago.

  3. Tom Black says:

    I like that Xforce mounted trooper for the Alamo. Would he have the same uniform to be a Pre-Civil War Cavalry Dragoon. If so it would fit into the 1840’s, 50’s westward expansion.

  4. Wayne W says:

    That figure would be good for the Mexican War, too.

  5. ERWIN SELL says:

    I did not know that celts went to gym and took steroids back them ,interesting !!.Also everybody make all celts in summer style .The sets may be great for a folk heroes scene.

  6. Wayne W says:

    LOL; I see them more for display. Beautiful sculpts.

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