Odds Ends Figure Previews Allentown Toy Show

Odds Ends Figure Previews Allentown Toy Show, first, we have previews from Plastic Platoon. Next, I have a review of this year’s Allentown Toy Show.

Odds Ends Figure Previews Plastic Platoon

Odds Ends Figure Previews Machine Gun
First is a preview from Plastic Platoon. It is. MG-34 with a crew. Winter 1941. Coming soon

Preview Mars German Tank Hunters

Odds Ends Figure Previews Tank Huter
Mars has released its first photo of German tank hunters. The pose is a german soldier with a Panzerschreck on his right soldier while holding binoculars in his right. We show more as we get more information.
Odds Ends Figure Previews german 2
As I was putting this post together Mars dropped another figure from its tank hunter set. This pose is a German soldier with a magnetic anti-tank mine

Odds Ends Figure PreviewsAllentown Toy Show 2021

Robin Hood
The Allentown Toy Show is one of my oldest and closest toy shows. Normally I get over on a Friday on dealer setup. This year I had other commitments so I went Saturday. I got to the show fifteen minutes before it opened. In the old days, the line would be around the building. This year I was able to go into the lobby and wait with other people. The show opened promptly at 9 AM and headed to see some old friends Bill and Rich Kozlowski. I had not seen them since the pandemic started. After a brief chit-chat with them, I began my hunt. My budget got chopped as a source clued me to the stuff I like. So I was careful about what I purchased. My first purchase was Marx Civil War characters figures from Kerry. He had a good show so far and only a few common playsets left.

The next purchase was the above Schylling Robin Hood set. The figures were made by S.P. Factory better known as Supreme. I have the figures from a playset. I was informed by Erwin these sets were out in the 90s’.

Odds Ends Figure Previews Palmer
My best purchase was a bag of figures. Besides four of the MPC XL5 character figures the bag had a Palmer shark and skin diver. I also got a Britains U.S. Army recoilless rifle and cannon for very reasonable prices. I was an hour and a half and left. One note Mike Russo was not at the show.

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3 Responses to Odds Ends Figure Previews Allentown Toy Show

  1. Biff Smith says:

    Great photos (and figures)!! You made some nice finds. Thanks for sharing these, Paul!

  2. Andy Stevens says:

    Wow! Once again Mars are making some truly original figures. Great additions to the ranks ?

  3. Rich Fisher says:

    Does anyone have any of the Schylling Robin Hood sets they would sell ??

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