Plastic Showcase New Figures Galore Plastic Platoon

Plastic Showcase New Figures Galore Plastic Platoon, I am back with loads of new plastic figures. First, Plastic Platoon has released its U.S. Paramarines. Next, Rahway passed along additional information from Expeditionary Force. Elastowit has done some French Foreign Legion figures. I have a photo of some unknown Russian WWII General figures. Then Laurie and I want to thank all the kind words for our loss. Finally, I want to congratulation a very good friend on his new grandson.

Plastic Showcase New Figures

Plastic Showcase New Figures Paramarines
Plastic Platoon has released their Paramarines. The set has seven different figures The poses are as follows 1. Standing with machete and pistol. 2. Leaning to the right standing firing rifle 3. Machine gun at the waist with belts of ammunition.
Plastic Showcase New Figures poses
4. Pilot with a pistol in his right hand.5 Standing firing rifle. 6. Firing submachine gun to the left 7. Reaching with the right hand for ammo.

Another great for your collection.

Plastic Showcase New Figures Expeditionary Force Update

Plastic Showcase New Figures kight heads
Rahway sent me the consumer version of Expeditionary Force’s latest release which has additional information on future releases.
Latest shots for the medieval supplementary sets. These are based mostly on the 13th century and would be suitable to be sergeants and less wealthy men-at-arms, especially those military monks with vows of poverty.
  • mountd knight 1

 Two new horses for the Medievals.

  • Knight 23
  • knight 24
  • knight 25

Foot soldiers in progress. As mentioned before, the coming sets are the Hospitaller Knights (plus Sergeants); Scot Schiltron; Swiss Halberdiers, and Spanish Almogavar before heading east to cover the Islamic Arabs and Turks, Mongols, Rus, and Byzantines, Medieval Chinese and Japanese.

Expeditionary force british
One other thing AST 02 to be released when the Lewis gun is produced.

Elastowit French Foreign Legion

elastowit foreign Legion
Elastowit has made some French Foreign Legion figures. Here we have standing firing a rifle, with a rifle at the waist.
elastowit Foreign Legion 2
The next three poses are kneeling firing a rifle, officer firing a pistol, and clubbing with a rifle.
Plastic Showcase New Figures Elastowit foreign legion
The final poses are a two-man machine gun crew, Serhiy said this on the sand bags. BTW, my friend’s kid asked to let him have his input into the set… well, we allowed him to make a master for the sandbags trenches😊😉
It came out fun, but we cheered the lad up, so, supporting our new set you encourage the kid’s creative effort😎😉
Thank you!
Colors: a beige, brown, light blue.
machine gun closeup
Here is a closeup of the machine gun and sandbags.

Russian Generals

Plastic Showcase New Figures Russian generals
This showed up on a French site. It is of Stalin and his generals. I have no further information at this time.

Thank You

Laurie and I want to thank everyone who sent kind words about our loss. We appreciate it as it has been a rough year for us.


We like to congratulate our very good friends Andreas and Lixi Dittman on becoming grandparents. His son Alexander and daughter-in-law Hannah with their new son Johann. I am sure grandfather will introduce Johann to toy soldiers.
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5 Responses to Plastic Showcase New Figures Galore Plastic Platoon

  1. Wayne W says:

    As ususal Plastic Platoon spells delights for the eyes while woes for the wallet. I do enjoy admiring them though.

    Congratulations to Andreas on being a new grandpa! Personally being a grandpa was a greater kick than being a “dad.” All the fun and none of the responsibility. May the little one have a blessed life.

  2. BRIAN says:

    RE:Plastic Platoon what is the Russian words for “FLAT BASES” LOL.

  3. Tom Black says:

    I really like all those Medieval head options that Ex Force is offering in their upcoming sets ( except #6). The mounted guys look great also!

  4. ERWIN SELL says:

    Congrats to Andreas and Lixi Dittman from their grand child !!
    I like the Elastowit FFL ,they made good late 20s to WW2 and early Indochina war figures as have short tunic uniform .Scale in the 60 /65 mm range approx I will think as rest I have are .
    The Russians generals and dictator figures are interesting ,they have Marx influence in style and bases .Wonder if will do Germany Nazi era leader and generals as well .
    PP as usual awesome and great but expensive as hell .So limited buyers collector targeted.
    EXF are as always out producing all rest maker with variety ,diversity ,detail and sets made per year .

  5. Ricky Cowell says:

    The Russian (Soviet) Generals are done by a Russian company called Publius. They were going for around $80-90 for the set of 8 figures. Who knows if they will be available again.

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