Odds Ends October 2021 Ukrainian Knights, I start this post with a new set of figures coming out. Next, we have some news on various shows. Elastowit has some new figures. we have some toy shows to make you aware of. Joe McIsaac has done modern buildings
Odds Ends October 2021 Urkaian Knights
Elastowit Special Squad
On the other hand, we have was news that the East Coast Toy Show has been canceled for this year. The University would rent the space due to the pandemic.
I really like the Knights figures, Nice figures in good mostly action poses.Yet more figures coming out from Russia and Ukraine. Would just like to know the price and there true scale when the information becomes availaible?
Darren – they currently sell for a much more reasonable price than most figures coming from that direction, around $20 or a little bit more – BUT, of course, this will depend on what sellers will ask for them once they reach here. They are in the 1/32 – 60mm range, bit under, a bit over per figure. Here is their FB page link, you can take a look at more of their current and future line https://www.facebook.com/Kit-Soldiers-104648945096855
Thanks for the info Chris, At that price and scale i will almost certainly get a set.