Odds Ends Plastic Figure News Speira

Odds Ends Plastic Figure News, we have various new figure news. First, Speira Miniatures has added some figures. Likewise, CTS has added to their resin figure line. Rahway brought up a question on some Marx items. While all this going on, I have been dealing with a snowstorm. So far we have 16 inches, which is not fun when you have to shovel it.

Odds Ends Plastic Figure News Speira Miniatures

Odds Ends Plastic Figure News
Speira Miniatures keeps increasing their figure offerings. First, they had a done a group of Alamo Mexicans for Joe Baker. Speira decided to offer the figures to the general public. There are twelve different poses.
Odds Ends Plastic Figure News Tanker
Speira has also added 19 poses of World War Two  WWII German Panzer crewmen. Several of the figures are designed to be placed in the cupola in the tank.

Ed Borris sent me information on how Speira Miniatures how they size figures. At least 60mm.
Our scale of 1/30 is 58mm from the sole of feet to the top of the head for an average standing man.
If you want to adjust that height please let us know right away.

Odds Ends Plastic Figure News Additional CTS Rider Pose

Rahway clued me in that CTS has an additional resin pose. It is the sitting pose similar to Marx’s rider. The difference is the right arm seems out further than the Marx version. You can see the pose here.

Expeditionary Force Emplacement

Expeditionary Force did this photo in a different email. It shows two of the emplacements together. What do you think?

A New Classification

Rahway sent this listing from Ebay. It is of the Marx Revolutionary cannon in a unique color. According to Francis Turner, the lister of this item, these figures and accessories were made for a marketing plan at the Marx factory by Marx employees for outside investors. It did not go through and sat in a storage facility. So how do we classify the figures? They are not reissues. As the creator of the term reissue the defination is figures made by someone else that the original owner. So what we call them the term I will use limited run. The defination is figures and accessorie rum at the original factory in unique colors in limited quantity. What are your thoughts?

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2 Responses to Odds Ends Plastic Figure News Speira

  1. Mark T. says:

    Two or more embankments look way better than one, but they still desperately need end-pieces. Sandbags sculpted on the front would be better than dirt, too. Or at least a more gentle slope. I can’t see how such a thin layer of what I assume to be sandy earth would stay against the boards.

  2. james nixon says:

    They probably used mud for the defensive embankment.

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