October Odds Ends One Various Figure News

October Odds Ends One Various Figure News, We have various articles we have spotted on the internet. First, I am sharing some postings by Max Artamonov of Prikaz Plastic Toy Soldiers. Next, we notice of a toy soldier show in New Jersey for November. We start off with two figures ee have identified.

October Odds Ends One Figure Identification

October Odds Ends One knight
Jeffery Gaudette sent me a photo of a knight he got in a lot at a flea market. I immediately recognized him as the Black Prince from Prince Valiant.
October Odds Ends One base
The base gave the final answer. It was one of the figures made in Europe. as we have mentioned before Marx sent molds to Europe. In Germany, the figures were made by Heimo. The question is where the molds were shipped to Holland or did they put a Holland stamp to get around import restriction?
October Odds Ends OneRussian
Jennifer sent me this photo of Russian figures. She thought might be Oritel. What do you think?

October Odds Ends One New Jersey Toy Soldier Show

Good news, there will be a Toy Soldier Show in New Jersey/New York area on Sunday November 1, 2020.

A little smaller than the annual East Coaster, but a show nonetheless to keep our hobby alive!


Hilton Hotel
650 Terrace Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey 07604


Social Distancing, masks and general COVID conduct will be enforced. The aisles will be wide, the tables separated. No shaking hands, etc. That said, courtesy and common sense will rule the day and it should be a great time for all.

Come find some treasures and be sure to stop by and say hey (at a six foot distance of course!)

For further details, give me a shout and I will pass on what I know or forgot to post here.


Note this show is being run by someone not the Bill Lango Family. We will keep you posted.

Prikaz Toy Soldiers Not There

Prikaz soldiers
Max Artamonov of Prikaz toy Soldier put this announcement on Facebook.
Attention! Pre-order announcement!
The set ′′ They couldn’t be there “.
It turned out that May 8 is the day when the experienced ′′ Afghans ′′ and all those who are in Angola gather and remember. Congolese, Mozambique, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Guinea, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Libya, and many more ′′ were not there, and they could not be there “.
I started thinking about this set a year and a half ago, even before. I just made the figure of Lieutenant Zhenya, thought why not develop the topic? But the strength and funds went to varyagas and shooters, there was no time, in general, everything as usual. But time went by, I continued the Indo-Chinese line of sets, the mercenary figure appeared, I launched the interactive game ′′ Unknown War“.

More Details

And here it became clear that the topic of Soviet military specialists was not disclosed. Actually, it is. If there are 70 figures for Afghanistan, the Soviet army, then there are figures of those who fought in ′′ small wars ′′ – advisors, intelligence officers, translators, saboteurs, in general, those who couldn’t be there. And then I painted this sketch. Seven figures: divers-saboteur, military advisor, an intelligence officer of the SPN GRU, Soviet Marine, military translator, and civil servant, military specialist. I’ll highlight this is a sketch of soldiers. For the game. Although weapons, uniforms, and equipment will be as reliable as possible, sculptor Alexander Schwartz will work on the set (he performed the mercenary figure and the Legionary set-2).In order for the recruitment to appear, you need to recruit 25 participants who agree to contribute 3500 rubles. Please sign up in this branch Note 3500 Rubles is $45.00 USD

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6 Responses to October Odds Ends One Various Figure News

  1. I can confirm that the Russian figures are oritet.

  2. Jack Gibbons says:

    Don’t forget the Columbus Toy Soldier Show coming up next weekend.


  3. Mark T. says:

    I remember seeing those Russian figures for sale on Kent Sprecher’s site back in the early 2000s. They were called “Russian Police and Mobsters” and I think they were 30 or 40 mm in size. I wanted to get them but I waited too long. Yes, they are Oritet.

  4. richard smith says:

    Nice to hear about at least one soldier show,,,,,here in texas the yearly show was canceled before the virus panic,,greed etc for rents,,Since then not One Venue of any kind can be found or looked for in this state,,what absurd nonsense

    • Waynew says:

      I miss the Texas Show. It was a great getaway for the wife and me. We still love San Antonio and went out last summer and had a good time but it wasn’t the same without the show – and the faces.

  5. ERWIN SELL says:

    I think it is Charmore the figure above ,not Heimo.
    Charmore was the actual Marx factory in Germany that produce figures in Holland as well.HEIMO was german company that acquire some former Marx Charmore molds and redo some poses and molds to create new set but with logo HEIMO in figures .
    Charmore marx designed sets-while most were clone from marx same original mold used in US some poses were complete new and others variation ,like in case of 2 new mounted indians ,some cowboy poses,Prince valiant with helmet and redesigned sword among others .
    The pirates were made entirely in new mold with slightly smaller than 60/64 mm scale and minor variation in one pose versus the 60 mm scale original first mold produced in US
    These pirates set are the one end in Russia and recast today in full 8 poses set ,while the US Marx pirates set mold end in mexico with one pose missing after mold damage in 80s and sold recast today from Mexico
    Figures under Charmore Marx mark the figures as such with logo circle with word-name ” Germany and or Holland” inside ,also stamped and made of soft plastic or hard plastic .
    The figures of Heimo manufactured differed from Charmore. All of them were created from rubber type material and painted in a brighter color. At the same time, a thick layer of paint was applied, and the paint itself was glossy. The bases, in most cases, were marked with their own brand.(Heimo)
    Interesting the blood stained sword in figure,i’m wonder if original or some one add it on .

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