September Plastic Figure Showcase One Finds

September Plastic Figure Showcase One Finds, I was able to buy some items for the collection and resale. It is always interesting what turns up in a junk box.

September Plastic Figure Showcase One Finds Odd Color

September Plastic Figure Showcase One Finds Marx
I am of the group that did not have the internet to research when I started. We used the knowledge we gather from going to shows and talking to other people. We had to make split decisions. sometimes we were lucky sometimes not. Once I had a collector tried to sell me Marx caissons with homemade parts. Now you can check the internet for information. Still, you get surprises. Here we have the Marx Navarrone cannons in blue. What playset do they go to?
September Plastic Figure Showcase One FindsJeffErson
I was told by a party that Marx Jefferson Davis was used in a diorama as Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. He has been used in other settings where a figure with this style of clothes is needed.
Auburn police man
The odd colors can go over to other figures. Normally when I find Auburn policeman, they are white. This is the first one in blue.

Figures for the Collection

Army man
When I saw this figure It reminded me of a dimestore figure. The figure was made inHongKongaccording to the person I bought it from. It is missing a base and I would like to know if there are other poses.
construction workers
One thing I like to pick up is civilian figures. I have a nice selection of construction figures. My latest addition is these two figures in hard plastic. I figure they were made in China as they were loose I have no idea ho made them.
Lido Indians
Here is an interesting color variation of the Lido swivel Indian. They may be HongKong copies. I will have to do more research.
armies in Plastic
I like finding figures that a collector has painted. Here we have two Armies in Plastic and one I don’t know at the moment.


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11 Responses to September Plastic Figure Showcase One Finds

  1. james nixon says:

    The Confederate lunging with rifle with fixed bayonet is made by A Call to Arms

  2. Daniel Murphy says:

    In the 90s and 2000s Tootsietoy and the new combined company with Processed Plastic reissued those Lido swivel riders in some striking colors. If they are not Hong Kong, your samples may come from that period.

  3. Waynew says:

    I had (may still have him somewhere) what I believe is the companion piece to the Auburn policeman. This one had a whistle in his mouth. He, too was in blue.

    I don’t know whether I still have him and if I do trying to figure where he’d be stored.

  4. ERWIN SELL says:

    Two construction guys i have as part Boley set in window large case.

  5. Kirk Larson says:

    The blue cannons are from MEGO’s Eagle Force Eagle Island playset, which recycled many of the Marx Navarone accessories.

  6. The Auburn police figures were widely sold in blue & white. Some have also turned up in red vinyl. Mego made a Navarone playset using the exMarx molds. As mentioned above they then used the accessory mold with the cannons for their Eagle Island playset (search Mego Eagle Island to see pictures). I think this is where the mold was separated from the other Navarone mountain molds which made it back to Marx. One thought is that the Accessory mold, German infantry mold, US infantry with medical poses mold, US vehicles mold and terrain mold were shipped back but Marx was in bankruptcy and Mego was in bankruptcy so no one could pay for the shipping so the railroad eventually sold the molds for scrap.

    • Wayne W says:

      I’ve heard that story, too. What a loss.

      I like the Navarone guns in blue – always hated the yellow guns and accessories in the original set as great as they are.

  7. ERWIN SELL says:

    I have the Auburn early rubber version in light blue and white ,i seen the reddish color too but not this royal blue in soft plastic .Base in Aurburn western pioneer figures i have the mold used for early rubber was redone when doing the soft plastic as the figures are slight different in high,mold base holes position and some detail are off as well weapons finish not same mold definitely .I will thing they did same with police poses and looking at this figure the finish is far less quality than early rubber made .
    my thought

  8. AJ says:

    Scroll down to see blue policeman and blue fireman, Explore site for different materials in different colors.

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