Peter Evans’ August Treasures Crescent Conversion

Peter Evans’ August Treasures Crescent Conversion, I just received a small package from my very good friend Peter Evans. We also have a mystery civil war figure that needs to be identified.

Peter Evans’ August Treasures

Peter Evans' August Treasures Crescent Conversion
One of the enjoyments of Peter Evan’s packages is to have at least one of his conversions. The latest package had this knight conversion. Peter took the Crescent Knight with ax overhead and change is to knight with sword and shield. It will be a welcome addition to the collection.
Crescent 30mm
Also in Peter’s package, was these downsize copies of Crescent and Britains figures from Hong Kong. The Indians are exact copies of the Crescent version. The cowboy and the soldier are different. The cowboy is based on Britains swoppet cowboy with two pistols in a different pose. The soldier based on the Herald officer has a green beret instead of a helmet.
Resin figure
There is always a mystery figure. This time is a resin colonial figure. (I will be doing a better photo for a future post.)
Roman and knight
The Roman we have seen before, but I can not remember if it is a conversion or not. I have it side by side with Peter’s knight conversion.
Hobbit Figures
Here we have two figures from the Hobbit. These were old in the UK.
iron man
Finally, we have three character figures. Bookending Gaston from Beauty and the Beast is Marvel’s Ironman and X-Men Beast. The Ironman is from 2012 and is really nice.

Mystery Civil War Figure

Peter Evans' August Treasures ACW
Carl Castro got this Union Civil War Figure on Ebay. He would like to know who made it. Do you know?

TimMee B-Line 1950’s Army Staghound Car 

Erwin spotted two Timmee Army Staghound Cars for sale on Ebay. One is blue and yellow and is priced at $210.00 The other Staghound is red and yellow and is priced at $235.00. Erwin asked if they are worth this price. I may have one in green. They are hard to find, but the price is up to the person.

One thing I realize that Eldon copied the Timmee Staghound for their landing craft.

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34 Responses to Peter Evans’ August Treasures Crescent Conversion

  1. James says:

    I think the hard plastic figure may have been made in Australia.

    The ACW figure looks like Replicants.

  2. Fritz Juengling says:

    The ACW figure is ATS. I picked up mine years ago. Here is Al’s website, but the CW figure is no longer available, although his Am Rev guys are.

    • Alex Baldwin says:

      Fritz is right. It’s an ATS figure

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Thanks, Fritz for the ID figure.
      I was a were of ARW and FFL but never knew ATS did ACW.
      Do anybody have a full set of images of rest poses

      I have the ARW full set poses. He had only sold x over 10 years just 4 to 5 poses of it, not a full set.unfurtunately as most early makers it never continued, and all collectors stay waiting.
      His figures are pretty well done in sculpture and detail plus pose choices. Far batter than Replicants and Barzso in my like and great material used.
      My thoughts.

  3. peter evans says:

    The Colonial figure is a resin casting of an early AIRFIX Dragoon. The Roman is a resin casting of hollow cast figure

  4. AJ says:

    Confirming that the ACW figure is definitely an ATS exclusive that he ran years ago.
    He’s closer to 60mm than 54mm.

  5. ERWIN SELL says:

    ATS made many figures limited run .sculpture detail was well done .
    I have the AIW and FFL .there few poses he never run in mass such ACW and some of independencecwar such cavalry.
    I like the poses and figures.
    Material is more plastic than resin.
    Far better than Replicant and Barzso.

  6. Carl Castoro says:

    Thanks Fritz, Paul, and Erwin and Forum for identifying the ACW figure. It’s a very good sculpt. Were there additional poses made? If so, I’ve got a new Quest. Perhaps the figure was a Berdan Sharpshooter. Long frock coat. I’m putting this fellow with the Iron Brigade group, in my ever-increasing diorama. Glad to have found him.

  7. In 1952 catalogs became a blaze of colors as makers used bright primary colors in making their toy vehicles. Processed Plastic’s “Stag Hound” armored car is shown in their 1952 catalog in bright colors. The vehicle is marked PROCESSED PLASTIC under the belly. The normal army green hard plastic version sells in the $30-50 range while the colorful ones I have seen sell in the $75-100. So I think he is a little high, but he does have a make offer option. Processed Plastic made a soft plastic version they wholesaled to Tim-Mee Toys. The Processed Plastic name was eliminated as well as the bow machine gun as there was no glue back them that would work to affix it to the body. Tim-Mee Toys sold it as a “tank”. These usually sell in the $30-40 range. In 1964 Processed Plastic took over Tim-Mee and sold similar lines under both names.

  8. ERWIN SELL says:

    I know this not right post but there some “toy soldiers sellers” out there that really need either learn or get some advise before post so much horrible mistakes .
    This seller that sale many russian and other figures very inflated priced that are easy to buy cheap elsewhere list a TIM MEE Pioneers vintage as “MINT” but more funny is list as TIMPO brand and made in Azerbaijan?? manufactured in 2003 !?

    The guy sale many PP and other resent made figures single at over price too ..
    This seller is a funny scam making money out few there have not idea about these figures..

  9. He must have been drinking when he did the listing. He lives in the same county as I do and I would like to know who he is.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Look at image of seller ID.his picture is there.
      He say he buy collector’s collections and sale then.
      He claim has a “store” and barely few items listed.
      This guy is nuts..
      I bet he will fix it and other listing errors as soon other tell him about it.But his prices are way over.

  10. Mike Handley says:

    I’ve had this guy blocked for YEARS. It’s about the 3rd or 4th Ebay name he has used over the years. A long history of doing stuff like this. I know of 2 guys who have tried to converse with him to get him to correct his listings, and all they got were vicious emails in return.

    • Mark T. says:

      Never had any problems with that guy. I have bought a few items from him, including some individual Ex-Force and Replicant figures I wanted that I would not have wanted to pay for the full set. I find him to be a friendly guy. Sometimes he throws in some free bonus surprise items for me. Got a bunch of butternut Marx Confederates from him dirt cheap a few months ago. He’s an individual, that’s for certain, but I don’t have a beef with him. Some of his stuff is overpriced, but some of his sales are really good deals. Just don’t go for the overpriced sales and he’s OK.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      No .no way.I love how he uses imogies in his listing, he really nuts!!!
      I’m wondering how he sales!.
      I don’t know if is the covid issues making some people go off lines that much.
      My though..

  11. Patrick Cotter says:

    The Airfix dragoon i have seen in white and brown plastic, factory painted. Copies were made in Australia. If you let me have an email address I can send you a photo of original along with the original Airfix promo leaflet as reproduced in Plastic Warrior.

    • admin says:

      I have just sent you my email.

    • david carpenter says:

      Patrick, thanks for the info. Do you know where or who may have 1 or 2 of these for sale as I have never seen them but would like to have them for my collection.

      • Patrick. cotter says:

        I haven’t seen any for sale in many, many years. I put one up on eBay eight years ago with a start price 0f €12. It received one bidder. I saw a very damaged Japanese figure for sale around the same time. Because they are so little known about they seem not to attract large bids which would be a disincentive for those who have them to offer them for sale.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Is this part of same series as the Japanese soldiers made by AIRFIX ?

  12. AJ says:

    Where is the integrity in this one?
    You can obtain a single Plastic Platoon 7th Cavalry figure : “1 Brand new, just received today from Points East 1 Badazz Pawnee Scout T Make sure you see the matching 6 Sioux Indians in fierce battle poses new from the same Russian Mfg.” (sic)
    for “Buy It Now” @ $22.99 + $4.99 shipping ($27.98) OR buy the WHOLE SET of SIX from Micshaun’s Closet for $63.99 with FREE shipping.
    Someone said that’s a “GREAT SERVICE if you don’t want to buy a whole set..”????
    I guess there are VERY GULLIBLE people on eBay waiting to be exploited.

    • Wayne W says:

      P.T. Barnum said it best about there being one born every minute. Ebay is proof positive of his wisdom. Then again, I guess a bargain is in the eye of the beholder. I shake my head at some of the prices items go for, but I guess if the buyer thinks he has a deal it’s all good. Now, if I can just get them to list a bridge I have for sale… 😉

      • Mark T. says:

        I got two of my “holy grail” pieces from him for a total of 15 bucks: The officer with the mauser pistol and the soldier with the tripod-mounted machinegun from the 60mm Atlantic Russian Revolution set. I also got the two-gun officer from the long out-of-production Replicants dismounted Union Cavalry for 5 bucks and an Ex-Force coonskin cap 1812 figure for 3 bucks. If that makes me a sucker, I don’t mind being called one.

        • Wayne W says:

          Mark, that was part of my point. Being a sucker is in the eye of the beholder. If a person is satisfied with the price and is happy with the deal I don’t think anyone can call the person a sucker.

        • AJ says:

          Just don’t buy any $10 figures for $30 and you’ll be OK. Watch those 300% mark-ups!! You can still buy the six piece Replicants Dismounted Union Cavalry in Dark Blue for $30 (for 6).

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Yep ,say same person i post early doing his tricks…

  13. AJ says:

    His “marketing philosophy” seems to be to throw enough up against the wall and see what sticks. I guess people are OK with that. It’s like our “buddy” in NYC, Erwin. Ask crazy prices and hope for suckers.

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