Kinder Egg Discovery Collection Time

Kinder Egg Discovery Collection Time, I discuss how I found out about Kinder Egg and share one of the interesting items that they have done. We look at some items from my collection. Finally, we look at some copies of the Jean Hoefler Indians.

Kinder Egg Discovery Collection Time Figures

Kinder Egg Discovery Collection Time Robot
As I have discussed before Kinder Eggs are banned in the United States in their original format. I finally discovered them when I went to the UK for a Plastic Warrior Show after my mother died. A collector friend clued me into Kinder Eggs. He told me of an Easter special Kinder did with Disney Jungle Book. I picked them and found out the other items did. While I enjoy most of their pieces, I enjoy the stick figures. In the past, I have shown the Tarzan and Zulu figures. This time I am showing two fantasy figures. The one on the left is an Aquanuat, he is missing his helmet. The other figure is a robot. He is from the 80s also.

Collection Time

Leyla soldier
This figure is from Layla. He is hard plastic and 65mm.
Starlux  sailor
The figure on the right is a sailor by Starlux. The figure on the left is similar to the Starlux figure, but I do not know who made it.
Medieval Figure
Going through the collection I found this figure. I have no idea who he is or who made him.
The final figures for Collection Time today ar this Hong Kong copy of an Indian and a Plasty cowboy tied to a pole. The Indian is a mix of various poses. The Plasty cowboy is made up of color pieces so hair is black the shirt is like an orange etc. this was a way to avoid an over-molding machine.

Jean Indian Copies

Jean Indian with torch
Going through the collection I found this Jean Hoefler Indian with a torch and brought it down. As I was set up for pictures I found the long Kong copy on the right. In many ways, it is the same as the original, but it seems to be thicker in the arms and legs. The figure on the right is hard plastic.
Indian chief
One other Hong copy of Jean Hoefler Indians is this chief with a tomahawk. This is a rework of the Indian chief with a spear. I like how the little grass piece on the base has been copied by both the Hong Kong Indians.
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14 Responses to Kinder Egg Discovery Collection Time

  1. Greg Liska says:

    Jean may not be the most loved figures out there, but I do appreciate how they always had loads of poses and thought of interesting things like the torch he’s carrying. Did any other maker do that? I know there’s the flaming arrow pose for Ideal Injuns.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Yes JH 25 poses Indians no counting semiflat poses set are very well done poses.
      With torch several European makers have done then.There plenty in Spaniard makers, least 7 poses as far I recall.

  2. Pascal Crochet says:

    The copy sailor of Starlux – Maybe Feral from france

  3. james nixon says:

    The royal figure looks like Henry the Eighth.

  4. james nixon says:

    The Jean Indian figure I think is not carrying a torch. I think it is a scalp instead unless I am wrong.

    • Greg Liska says:

      It sure could be a scalp! I guess it depends on how you paint it up. The scalp at least wouldn’t be catching his feathers on fire!

      • ERWIN SELL says:

        The figure has an scalp and direct base in elastolin alike pose.Yet as Greg says it easy may resemble a torch as it has a long handle section plus very up in the air unless he is waving it at exactly moment.
        So the scalp was wrong depicted as contrary to Elastolin ,many french brands and British brand figures w scalp in hand more accurate made.
        Reamsa made one w head and other w scalp as well plus one w torch too.
        There even rare figure of Buffalo Bill w indian scalp on hand made by Starlux i think.
        My thoughts

  5. peter c Evans says:

    The royal figure is Henri the IV , King of France by SEGOM, one of a series of historical figures of French Kings and Queens

  6. Darren Hatley says:

    Love the Kinder egg Fantasy figures. I do have some Kinder egg figures but not nearly as many as i would like including these 2 figures. I think many of them are quite hard to find these days?

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Off Ebay there are a lot but often listed as not Kinder because Kinder per say was one sweet candy chocolate makers/saler and the makers of these figures were by RES or other toy makers.
      Sellers list then under surprise toys or often under other candy brands with who they relation it .
      Prices not cheap, often ranging from 10.00 USD or more per figure.

  7. AJ says:

    There’s a cool set of recast Reamsa Indians that contains a chief figure wearing a headdress, knife in one hand, and holding an entire decapitated head!!

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