Odds Ends Miscellaneous Figures Timpo

Odds Ends Miscellaneous Figures, we will start off with two different color variation of the MPC jeeps. Next, I will share a couple of Timpo figures.

Odds Ends Miscellaneous Figures MPC Jeep

Odds Ends Miscellaneous Figures MPC Jeep
MPC did two versions of army jeeps. The first version had separate pieces including a steering wheel and hood. The second version of the jeep is a one-piece arrangement.
Odds Ends Miscellaneous Figures red jeep
MPC did the jeep in other colors. Looking at Kent Sprecher’s web site Toy soldier Headquarters. I saw two other colors red and blue. The red jeep according to Kent was in a space playset and the blue was in a farm set.

Timpo Figures

Timpo farm hand
Timpo also did swoppet style farm figures. Here is a farmhand missing the bale of hay he had over his head. I don’t remember where I got it.
Timpo skin diver  two
In this last year, I have either acquired or found in the collection several of theTimpo divers. Interestingly it is one this pose that has shown up. Somewhere I have the other pose as Peter Evans sent me the two poses in 2016. One of these days I will find the raft.
Timpo Eskimo
Timpo did four different Eskimo poses. They are both arms up with a harpoon, One arm up and one arm down ussally with a knife in the right hand and rifle in the left hand. The other two poses were Standing firing rifle and a paddler for the kayak.
Timpo Eskimos
Kent Sprecher on his site has this great picture of the complete line. The nice piece is the sled team which has four dogs and a deal seal on the sled. As you can see their igloo is a solid white where Marx made their igloo translucent. The hardest part to find is the walrus. An interesting series to have.

A side note the company Little Green Army Men is looking into a doing a vacuum form version of the Marx igloo.

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5 Responses to Odds Ends Miscellaneous Figures Timpo

  1. TD Barnecut says:

    Bucking hay is an honest day’s work but I’ve never seen anyone lift a bale over their head. This figure must represent a young Arnold S. before he left the farm in Austria.

    • admin says:

      I check the internet and found the photo of the bale overhead of the figure, I agree it is an odd pose.

      • ERWIN F SELL says:

        I don’t think he is off real people.
        Besides the person is in old type clothing making looks more stronger.But not exagerated to me.
        But is my view personally.
        I like it.
        In fact never see before.

  2. ERWIN F SELL says:

    The eskimo igloo is already being done in 3D in various scales and different models.

  3. Mark T. says:

    I loved the Eskimo line as a kid. I had everything except the walrus and the polar bear. Still have the igloo and a few Eskimos and the top of the kayak. I never really actually played with them, except once when I had the Timpo Indians attack their igloo, (The bare chested Indians must have been freezing!) but I enjoyed setting them up on my shelf and looking at them. I guess their lives were too peaceful for toy soldier battles.

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