Laurie and I will be doing the toy show at the Maryland State Fairgrounds this Saturday. The weather is suppose to be nice and it is a pleasant ride from here to the show. I did the last one alone as Laurie had to work. The show is well lit and the aisles are nice and wide. There is a great mix of toys and collectibles. Our very good friends Gerry and Chris will be there. Gerry will have a nice variety of plastic and metal figures for sale. Chris will have action figures and other collectible toys. Another person that should be at the show is Jim McGough. Jim will have a wide range of collectible toys inculding some rare Marx.
So if you see us say hello.
Update Gerry says he will not have any metal figures. He will have plastic figures and toys. There will be other dealers with metal.
If you find a 60mm cavalry in tan riding with a sword in good condition at the McCough table, grab him for me. I swear he has the best collection of Marx 60mm Cavalry ever.
Ed B
Will do if Jim has one I will pick it up.
Thanks, I’ve gotten a lot of nice 60mm cavalry from him over the years. If I get the riding guy with sword in tan, I have another compete set.