Forty Years of Friendship

Forty Years of Friendship at the Allentown Antique Toy Show  I shared some photos. The photos were my first meeting with some people who have became friends.  The photos were  40 years old.

Forty Years of Friendship  Photos

Forty Years of Friendship

After my Father had died, I would take my mother on various rides. These trips were to flea markets and shows besides visiting relatives. One of those trips was to a toy show near Philadelphia. It was held at a George Washington Motor Lodge.  Walking around I met three men Andrew Levinson, Rich Kozlowski  and Bill Kozlowski.

Forty Years of Friendship

I don’t remember why I stopped at their tables, but they must have had Marx figures. We struck up a conversation.  I also remember my mother giving Andy on the left of this picture some cookies.  Somehow I had a camera along and took these photos.  From this meeting  started beautiful friendships.  Over the years I got many great items for resale and the collection from Rich and Bill. 

Andy has also become a great friend. We have seen his daughter grow into beautiful woman. She recently got married and is doing extra work on television.

Laurie and I thought so much of them we had them to our wedding.

Forty Years of Friendship

Andy and Rich

Forty Years of Friendship Today

Forty Years of Friendship

I showed the photos to my friends and they got a kick out them. They were surprised I had them.  Rich said he wished he had some of the toys today that were in the picture to sell.  I decided to take a photo of them now.  Also in the photo is their other brother Bob who is a dealer.

Forty Years of Friendship

Andy was also thrill to see them. he said we were much thinner back then.  Laurie and I get together with Andy when she has a free day off from work. He showed us this great deli which we wish was closer to home.

The hobby has given us many great friends.


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5 Responses to Forty Years of Friendship

  1. ERWIN F SELL says:

    WOW!!!.Impressive and beautiful memories !!!

  2. Detlef Heerbrand says:

    fantastic Memorys you do not forget !!!

  3. Mark McNamara says:

    Great Story ! Nice to have You all in the Hobby !

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