LOD Enterprises at Chciago Toy Soldier Show short posting tonight
As you know the LOd had gone with Ron to do a Battle of Yorktown playset.
Mike Pendergast of Warhorse Minatures posted a photo of the next release from LOD Amazons
LOD Enterprises at Chciago Toy Soldier Show short posting tonight
As you know the LOd had gone with Ron to do a Battle of Yorktown playset.
Mike Pendergast of Warhorse Minatures posted a photo of the next release from LOD Amazons
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Ref. the Yorktown Playset: I like those small British mortars behind the redoubt. And I like those three naval-type cannon on the walls of the redoubt. But I especially like the massive field artillery piece on the American side.
Ref. the Amazons: I’m sure Ken Ciak of LOD will run them in a highly suitable color. But who could dream that LOD would come up with such a unique, creative addition to the War at Troy series. And I can’t believe he’s already got the figures sculpted with prototypes.
Thanks for the preview posting, Mr. Pendergast.
The Yorktown Playset looks great .. and I’m looking forward to the Amatons when they appear !!!
You could buy two of them and put them together to make a big redoubt.
It looks like the fort sections are modular, so you could actually put several sections together and make the fort as big as you want.
There are some great artillery pieces included but they sit cold and still with no crews to man them.
The spike fraise are great, spaced too far apart though as the infantry seem to have no problem passing through them.
Hi guys. I will do a post on the Yorktown Playset in a few weeks when I get it. After that I will start to more post on some of the Barzso Playsets that I do have. I only have 6 of his playsets and 5 of the forts and castles.
The Amazon picture came from a comment that Ken posted on his FB LOD page. He said that “3D prints of the Amazons …. some additional details will be added but they are pretty close on scale and design.”
I wasn’t able to go to the show in Chicago. But I picked up a few plastic figures at some antiques stores between Reading and Allentown.
No one has posted yet the cost of the playset? any price yet? thanks
I think the set was sold out.
My pre-ordered set, inclusive of postage, totaled $334.00. Pre-orders at the Lafayette, Indiana toy soldier show back in April were being taken with the understanding that the price of the set would range between $279 — $299. And it looks like that was what it ended up being.
I pre ordered one too after Indiana. So $334 is about what I can expect to pay. Ron said he would ship end of Sept.
I preordered after Indiana too. So Ron said mine would ship end of September.
My Yorktown set cost 300 dollars at a The CTSS. Ron stated that while retired we’d still see him at shows and that he would still be selling miscellaneous stuff still on hand.
The Amazons look even better in person.