Background of the Airx Napoleonics Reissues

Background of the Airx Napoleonics Reissues I asked Kent Sprecher, if he would explain on how the Airfix  Reissues got made and the surprise they found.

Background of the Airx Napoleonics Reissues  Kent’s Story

Background of the Airx Napoleonics Reissues

Greg Coots of Present Past in Colorado asked if I would like to help him distribute the reissues of the Airfix 1/32 Napoleonic range. When the French Grenadier mold was run it included a second pose of an officer with sword that had not been included in the 1970s sets. No one at the factory could explain when the new figure had been put in the mold. We made the British Highlanders in red and army green, the British Line in red, army green and blue (made great 1812 US Infantry, the French Line in blue, red, tan & white and the French Grenadiers in blue, red & white. Sales were good the first few years but CTS wanted the business as they were making the Airfix 1/32 WWII line up and things got to be a hassle. With sales dramatically dropping we gave up the business to CTS.

Note the second Airfix Grendier officer is in white.

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37 Responses to Background of the Airx Napoleonics Reissues

  1. ERWIN SELL says:

    Ok ….I red from AIrfix main blog the following statement that i had copy and paste with link to follow with possible explanation.
    BY Colin Gerrish from Scotland .

    “At original production-1973.There would have been sixteen but a second officer pose was disputed by Britain’s at the time for being too close to their own Grenadier officer (as far as I am aware, Airfix and Britains used the same sculptor at the time). This last pose is now found in American re-issues ..”

    I do not know how certain this statement is of course .

    Also Airfix Did intend do a prussian late napoleonic period 1813-1815 Landwehrset with three metal cast prototype poses showed in PW magazine from a 2004 auction.The poses were very identical to british marching ,standing firing and officer charging just in landwehr uniforms.

    Grenadiers Imperial french set(In fact they are mix in uniforms in set) was last made in 1973 of waterloo campaign set .Possible after 1970 film depiction ,by 1973 the popularity had died down by then and not quite good sales!??
    Werever the cause was they really made the largest set army in Airfix poses by far on these.Wonder why they never did more in the other sets.!!??
    my thoughts.

  2. rahway says:

    The reissue grenadier sets that I have seen have 28 figures rather than the original 29. The second officer was added and a clubbing grenadier and kneeling-at-ready grenadier were dropped.

    It is my understanding that when Airfix adopted the 28-figure and 14-figure window boxes they sometimes added an officer so that the 28-figure set could be split into two 14-figure sets, each having an officer. I believe that Colin Gerrish had this information on his site at one time.

    For example, the original set of British infantry had an officer with a number 18 on his base but the 28-figure window box and reissue sets have both him and an unnumbered officer.

    I have sometimes wondered if the Grenadier mold had been revised in preparation for the 28/14 window box treatment but had never actually been issued before Airfix shut down the product line. They would have added an officer and dropped two figures to get to the new configuration for the window boxes.

  3. Wayne W says:

    I used to buy 1/32 Airfix figures for my kid brothers back in the 70s. I think I’ve shared a story or two about how I’d send home a “CARE” package a month from Germany. Where my family lived Airfix was unheard of, so…

    I remember 28 and 29 figure boxes (perhaps that depended on which set?); later on, perhaps after the big implosion in the late 70s, early 80s (going off memory here) – I remember seeing the 1/32 scale boxes coming out with 14 figures when I was at Bragg and found a great Hobby Shop right out of the gate (I think I’ve reminisced about this before, too – so apologize for repeating myself). The reduction stands out in my mind as it seemed kind of cheezy to charge the same price, if more, for fewer figures (inflation notwithstanding). I guess if I could have looked forward to today’s prices I might have counted my blessings.

    I hope this clarifies things. I have shared before how except for a few notable exceptions (such as the FIG, Ghurkas, US Paras… etc.) Airfix tended to use the same basic poses for each set pretty much: standing firing, kneeling firing, advancing/charging, standing firing SMG from waist, advancing at port, prone firing (often LMG), officer. Occasional variations existed like the bazooka man for the kneeling firing in US Infantry or the Japanese mortar man, but it was a basic formula pretty much except for the notable few sets.

    I remember one day during my break in service I was on my younger brothers’ bedroom floor setting them up a big WW2 battle “Axis vs Allies” and as a kind of lark set them up Napoleonic style in ranked formation, with the exception poses guarding the flanks. It was kind of neat.

    I was actually grateful for the odd Marx poses that added variety.

    • Mark T. says:

      Marx and Airfix go quite well together. The company that brought out those recent Airfix clone German Infantry/paratroops and US Airfix clone paratroops has a Marx/Airfix blend WW2 Russian set. You can see it on Michtoy under Supreme Toys WWII Russian Infantry 1941-45 Bagged Set. I hope they do the same with the Marx/Airfix Japanese.

      The Marx and Airfix Americans and Germans don’t mix as well, but Russians and especially Japanese look like they were made to be compatible.

      • Erwin says:

        They are also being distributed by a Stevens Hobbies from New Jersey so far is the only set done and distributed by then since last year.

  4. Henry Paas says:

    so if airfix is getting a remake is it going to be made of that terrible airfix recast resin or whatever they were using that breaks all the dang time i got a box of arifix ww2 Russians from hobbytown usa over their internet catalog and they all nearly have had their rifles broken and if were talking Napoleonics you can forget it cause a rifle break is literally death for that figure i will no longer use them i got my very first airfix set in Gettysburg when i was younger and it was a huge let down cause i had though they were going to be like my African corps and British 8th i loved as a kid i just so happened to accidentally get a commando in the the bag which was really cool for me hours of play in the sandbox

    • Daniel Murphy says:

      Henry, I agree with you about the material used in the made in India Airfix reissues. Just as with Imex, Airfix apparently decided to go with a stiff but brittle plastic/resin to facilitate painting – making no allowances for people who might want to do something other than display the models. And as you point out, even that is frustrated when many of the figures are broken in the box. Adding insult to injury, the plastic is not very glueable – if going down that road, why not make the figures a readily glueable polystyrene? The problems with the Airfix reissues led me to jump on the Revell reissue of the Matchbox WWII German, American, and British infantry in a very nice soft plastic. Sadly, the Revell reissue did not last very long, and they never got around to the 8th Army, Afrika Korps, and commandos. I would be buying piles of Imex American Revolution/Civil War/Alamo Mexicans if I could trust that the figures would not be broken when I opened the box. As an experiment I recently bought a box of American militia. Inside the box, the figures come in a couple of plastic bags. In one a couple of figures had gun barrels snapped off – and the barrels were not in the bags – they had gone into the bags broken! I’m not thrilled with some recent figures in a plastic so rubbery that gun barrels come bent in curlicues – but I can deal with that using hot water. All I can do is hope that outfits like Imex, and Airfix if they start another reissue of their figures, embrace a more robust and user-friendly plastic.

      • Henry Paas says:

        honestly friend i have allot of nostalgia over the plastic you see in classic marx and airfix sets i think its hdpe but i may be wrong I’ve poured hours of research into identifying plastic just in case i ever was to try making my own its sad its so expensive to produce some simple army men all i want is good detail and good plastic you would think army men were a timeless toy but alas the toy market is disappearing as technology replaces it my gf has a niece who doesn’t even play with toys which i find remarkable i still think there’s hope though i’m fairly young and if i can ever find a way to put some figures out without going broke i will probs do it i wish another big manufacturer would pick up where forces of valor left off but like bags of decent army men like the tim mee and airfixes with good detail the Chinese clones we get today are on their last leg they barely resemble their predecessors they look like lumps were due another marx

  5. Tom Black says:

    Supreme or some company should be re-doing the Marx molds that are lost. GI set #2 slightly larger scale than the original would be a good start. Downsizing all the Marx 6 inch figures to 56mm or the new 1/32, including the “Man from Uncle”. Same with the missing molds from Britain’s, Herald and Airfix. Re-doing common Airfix and Marx recasts probably doesn’t excite most collectors.

    • Mark T. says:

      I’d love to get the Man From UNCLE figures in 1/32, especially the THRUSH agents.

      I never bought any of the new K-Resin Airfix. I had enough trouble with weapon tip breakage in sets like the WW2 Americans in soft plastic. I’m hoping that now that Airfix has discontinued them, CTS can get the license to run the molds again. CTS ran them in nice soft plastic in the late 90s and I am sorry I didn’t take better advantage of buying them when they were in production. I only bought a few sets.

      • Daniel Murphy says:

        If CTS or someone else reissued the Airfix figures in decent plastic, I’d buy lots of them. And not just WWII – I’d love to load up on their medieval warriors.

  6. Brian Johnson says:

    If the D**n companies would 1 listen to collectors on the various forums and 2 hire people who were into collecting themselves and not pencil pushing bean counters we might get some where!!

  7. Daniel Murphy says:

    Unless the brittle plastic or resin Imex and Airfix use is way more cheap than sturdier plastics, I don’t see how they win by alienating customers. Airfix in England played something of the same role as Marx and other quality companies played in the US. Many English kids grew up playing with Airfix soldiers (1/72 and 1/32) and building Airfix models. (Think Mr. Bean getting a model of HMS Victory for Christmas.) If you read the reviews of the K-Resin 1/32 Airfix figures in the UK Amazon site, a significant number complain about the brittle plastic and note the superiority of the older figures. Airfix could have moved a lot of product by selling figures that people could nostalgically give to their own kids – but the brittle resin foreclosed that option. I think that if every Imex box wasn’t a crapshoot, they could sell more of their products, both in their regular retail outlets and in places like museums, historical sites, etc. Even in this depressed market for toy soldiers, how can you go too far wrong in the US with the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Alamo? The fragile material leaves you only the modeling and school diorama market, and even there I have to wonder when word gets out about all the broken swords, guns, and bayonets. But then, as many people have pointed out, if these companies were really as economically rational as we assume you never would have had New Coke.

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      They had go along with that brittle plastic not typical (toy soldier to play more soft plastic we use) as they sale more to hobby kit stores that sale all model kits soldiers in same material such TAMIYA,AIRFIX ,ESCI ,DRAGON kits .That is why IMEX,EMHAR and AIRFIX new owners blend the material that is in fact recycle plastic way more cheaper at mass production and bough 4 times cheap than typical soft plastic used in early Accurate or others.I had been in factories and work with plastic production since 2003 till 2014
      The same goes for MEXICO plastic used in marx so brittle (it come from same plastic used in cases x Coke and other bottles material in packing.iIt is the best cheap plastic to mass produce .
      The soft plastic used in toy soldiers require a more strong elaborated mixing and complex fabrication that increases the price a lot .
      IMEX and other making these do not target the figures as to be play with as kid.
      You don’t see them at stores toy section only at hobby kit stores .
      When I request quotes x my panzerjager ,they offer me 5 types material,the PVC-plastic they use and i produce(cheapest),another PVC more soft that is being used by TSSD and others makers ,the medium polyethylene that was more heavy and soft ,all last increase the price considerable.
      Again that is why CTS produced in same hard plastic their tank and not in soft type giving us a better price deal per armor ,while the airfix reissued armor cost as much as double and BMC about same.
      It all goes in saving ,especially in very low profit margin business.
      If increase quality then will have increase price and then everyone will complain (too expensive or costly per figure else ) or limit amount sets purchase.
      IMEX and rest see their figures as to be kit painted hobby historical figures line series sets, not in old fashion way toy soldiers to play in bed by kids.
      Plastic type material(most derived from Oil crude) cost increased considerable after 70-79 with the oil crisis that let to many self dependency in many countries specially by developing new types plastic that increase cost .Since them and introduction of PVC there been many increases per years.
      Before 70s the plastic types were very cheap .Another fact that produce plastic increase price are the laws in environmental contamination with fines and prevention rules in factories as well employers forcing the rise of cost production as well.
      These had foce minorist producer tu ose the more cheap recycle plastic in industries market.

      My thoughts.

      • Henry Paas says:

        i personally love hdpe if that’s what the good ol green army men were i love that waxy green plastic they use in marx and tim mee sets i could honestly open 10,000 bags of army men a day and never get tired of that smell and texture tssd is one of my favorite companies they nail down the army men vibe really well there prices are honestly quite moderate too 30 bucks is not stiff imo for what you are getting i don’t understand the kids now a days i’m only 20 years about and i still played with army men really heavy as a kid they were literally my favorite i think there is still hope we just need to find a cheaper solution somehow i personally think they will never disappear within reason they will just evolve kids will always need cheap plastic army guys for backyard battles in the sandbox

  8. ed borris says:

    I remember my mom and dad buying me toy soldiers as a kid and I think one of the words on the header card that caught mom and dads attention was the magic word,”unbreakable”. I think if they could spend $1.99 for a bag of unbreakable toy soldiers that would keep me busy for hours on end , it was a good investment. However, we have to face the facts toy soldiers these days other than the cheap knock offs you can find at Walgreens or dollar stores are not geared towards children. You used to be able to find toy soldiers in most stores and especially at places like Woolworths and the discount stores of the day Turnstyle and E J Corvettes. Now, I wouldn’t even know where to look for them except on line. The days of variety stores, card shops , discount stores, toy stores are over. If something is not readily available how does one buy it?

  9. Tom Black says:

    I always thought that the Dollar stores instead of selling a bag of junk Toy soldiers for a Dollar instead offered 1 quality sculpted 1/32 figure it would make more sense. It would be a sort of “collect them all” type series much like the old cereal premiums. I have faith that kids can recognize quality, we did when it came to Marx, Ideal vs MPC old Tim-Mee or Bergen. Better to have one quality “Engineer Bassevich style sculpted figure the a bag of poorly redone recasts of same old Tim-Mee Vietnam figures!!

  10. Tom Black says:

    Note: they already sort of do this at the dollar stores with nicely sculpted 1/32 Marvel figures of Spider-Man, Superman, Hulk and Batman. Can DC Comics do the same for the Dollar stores of Sgt. Rock and his Squad or Marvel with the Howling Commandos??

    • admin says:

      The superheroes are closeout that the dollar stores are selling. Several years ago Dollar General did mounted knights that sold out.

  11. Daniel Murphy says:

    Thanks Erwin for the information on the plastic. At 4 times cheaper I can see why Airfix and Imex go for the brittle plastic. That said, I am sure they are still losing sales as people get turned off by all the breakage. I won’t buy Imex, and I doubt I’m alone. Looking at the UK Amazon, a significant minority of people were turned off by the brittle resin Airfix figures. Even if I was just a modeler and painter, I’d be upset at all the broken gun barrels etc. There do seem to be commercially viable and still sturdy harder plastics out there. I like the Toysmith Guardian Knights. Admittedly they are chunkier than Airfix, but they still have lots of exposed swords, bows, axes, etc., and in all the bags I have bought I have not had one broken figure. The Corps Elite figures seem to be made of the same stuff, and while few of them have exposed gun barrels, I have not seen not seen any broken ones. Jeff Imel at VictoryBuy issued a lot of his early Timmee/PP sets in stiffer HDPE plastic (roughly 96 armymen for $12-13) and they held up well. I guess if Imex and Airfix insist on treating their sets like models, why don’t they make them in good old-fashioned model polystyrene, which is easily glued. Leave the ground-up bottle caps to Mexican piñata toymakers!

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      I agree in many of us collector turn off because of the bad plastic used for us.
      I Myself was one .
      The problems goes IMEX,AIRFIX do not sale to individual direct as TSSD,CTS,Paragon or others,they produce and have their lines pre sold to many hobby stores in advance many times ;so literally they lose too little in mass sales at small business production.Yet they of course make small sales to any want buy it around in our hobby ,but if notes well we are the less buyers compare to kit hobby collectors world and even gamer that use any material as they paint and put figures in larger bases to move then around in tables.Not like us .So both gamers and kit collectors surpass 10 times mores our sales x then-approx..
      We are like a drop in bucket as off now and our hobby is already turning to limited run produced figures at high cost or wait x cheap miracles chinese made to get any.Those making long run every years reduce production or are gone ,and those making increase prices per year .EXF a good sample that every 6 month pretty much had done increases in last 3 years along.
      Other thing is they are not making it in huge millions figures as those made in China x Lanard,Toy smith,Toy mayor ,blue box,red cat ,hing fat ,supreme and others that produce way more direct from china using chinese factories because they sale to walmart,target,kmart ,tru and others that are 10 of thousand stores worldwide compared to Imex and Airifix producing few thousand to supply few hundred stores around world of smaller size.
      Airfix and Imex , as well Emhar use most time smaller chinese maker or non chinese maker in local producer as their run-shots are very small .
      What I’m trying says is those using that stiff -brittle plastic if would had gone with loses by now would change back long ago,so far their loses had not affected them as all then are being using the stiff plastic x over 10 years now and still in market for sure .We do not affect their sales in big way at all as we are few to them.

      While those not using stiff plastic that focus their market more to us like HAT and Italeri ,stop already in their 1/32 line over 3 years ago so far as not enough sales according to them and clearly seen.Because they focus in our hoby and partially gamers.
      At 2014 NYTF I brough question to Airfix representative seller at show room regarding the already being used stiff plastic in 1/32 reissued .She told me was to be in line with other Kit makers brands and they do not even think or see toy soldiers collectors as potential long ago .They supply Hobby military kit stores mainly direct.That was her answer and i’m sure is their market mentality .
      Imex and others seem not care about our limited world as far they can sale what they like to others unfortunately .
      Sad but true.
      Again my thoughts base in experience in market and at toy fares.

  12. Don Perkins says:

    Good points, Mr. Black & Mr Murphy. For God’s sake, Imex — your 1/32d scale figures are well designed, but make them as semi-pliable, soft plastic, instead of the breakable junk. I’ve never met a single person in this hobby who wants or prefers highly breakable figures.

    As for Airfix, I liked and collected all their WWII stuff, as well as the Napoleonics. Then, 4 – 5 years ago, I innocently ordered (from CTS) a set of “new” Airfix WWII Germans, cast in dark blue. I thought they would really look good as an SS battalion fighting all my Russians. To my surprise, when they arrived, I discovered they were made of cheap, stiff plastic, rather than what I had come to expect from all my old, original Airfix. I had never seen or expected such low quality from a product labeled “Airfix”. After awhile, I was so disgusted, I decided I didn’t even want them in my toy soldier collection. I put them all in a small plastic bag and offered them at a show for $1.00 for the bag. I can’t remember if someone bought them, or if I ended up just throwing them away.

    But I remember the feeling I had was that I didn’t want them junking up what I viewed as my otherwise well-organized, high-quality collection of new and vintage plastic.

    And I was disappointed that CTS, which I continue to order from on a regular basis, did not specify that these figures were NOT the normal high quality soft plastic used by both Airfix and Accurate in the 1980s.

    • Erwin says:

      Makers do not care about us…
      CTS has not power over what makers think is best unless CTS buy then 10 of thousands. And it won’t happen.
      Making running in many colors by thousand like ACCURATE I guess left a oversctock of million x 3 more generation that not one will sale off in our hobby.
      I’m sorry I looks a bit pessimist but I have to be realistic.
      I wish would not be that way.

    • Don Perkins says:

      Erwin, I wrote and posted my comment to Mr. Black and Mr. Murphy before I saw your own posted comments. But I actually think what you quote the Airfix Rep. saying at the toy fair is probably completely correct: The modern-day owners of Airfix & Imex don’t sell directly to us toy soldier collectors, and in fact just view us as a drop in the bucket of market share. Hence, they don’t really care what we think, what we want, etc. We’re not even on their radar anymore. Our only hope these days is from producers who are also themselves collectors — TSSD, LOD, Barzso, CTS, ExForce, Paragon, etc. (am I leaving anyone out?) and whatever people like Murphy and Stengel Jr. give us from time to time.

      And I still find myself agreeing with Rusty Kearn’s comment: The best way to encourage new plastic toy soldier offerings is to purchase their current offerings. Our hobby has gotton so small that every time a new release is met with “I don’t like this, I don’t like that, Not my scale, Not my era”, etc.) I start to feel heartsick. Yea, Yea — I know what all the counterarguments are. But they still don’t help the fact of our declining hobby.

      • Erwin says:

        I agree Don in u last paragraph specially is the more honest I see here.Too picky x many every time one set come and not buying or undesided .
        Then asking x more or specialities. LOL
        Good luck we that to many..
        Funny you and me responded alike in our last comment.
        But is a reality few grasp to see and is happening x some time now.

  13. Daniel Murphy says:

    I understand that we toy soldier aficionados don’t matter to outfits like Imex and Airfix. I also understand about the economics behind the cheap plastic. I do wonder what modelers think when they crack open an Imex or Airfix box and find a bunch of broken guns, etc. Does that Airfix K-Resin glue? I have broken polystyrene Warhammer stuff and no problem – a little model cement and I am good to go. Do companies like Tamiya and Dragon get away with the stuff that I have seen in Imex and Airfix boxes? Airfix seems to be dropping their figure lines for now. I wonder if this is at least part due to a rejection of recent product as well as the general crumminess of the toy soldier market. (And in Britain at least, Airfix should have had real advantages of product recognition and consumer goodwill.) I’m genuinely curious about this.
    I also agree wholeheartedly about supporting manufacturers that cater to us. I just can’t afford the new Russian stuff, but lately have been buying reasonable quantities of AIP, HAT, and A Call to Arms. I’ve also ordered a bunch of Emhar 1/32 Vikings. I want to see how that Emhar plastic holds up in the box and out. At least I remember the 1/72 Emhar Vikings gluing pretty well.

  14. ERWIN SELL says:

    Airfix is barely holding from past 25/30 years and changing hands a lot since ,it is a general issue that affect them long ago ,not related to plastic .
    At NYTF they actually share with revell/Aurora and Tamiya in same room space to safe and blend sales ALL focus to the Kit hobby world only ,barrely craft stores such Michael and even Book stores carry some kits now .The Kit world is also falling long ago too as less children and teens involved in gluing as we did in past before .By far more than half kits collectors today are way above young age too now .That is why HOBBY stores of kits did introduce Toy soldiers cheap line and of our hobby in their stock such CTS,AIP seen ath those stores since 80s .But even so every year less brik building stand in the Hobby kit arena and of course barely any toy soldiers unless with metal figures.
    The entire Toy military figures world collectible (even Gi Joes) are down x long .online are stable .Digital era and Internet computer game are the new era of Children and teen main interest.The money is extracted from majority of population young buyers and their parents who will buy what they ask and demand.
    In 2013 Airfix introduce the level 1-2 snap few WW2 model kits in 1/48 scale included several WW2 planes and tanks (I got catalog and one sample home in 2014 from NYC fair).I remember the same salers explaining it with enthusiasm.-I was skeptical to be honest .They try to move kits with easy to make kits.(Like Atlantic did in their line in 70s of course not accurate by Atlantic).
    It fail and was drop down in 2016 in my catalog i got in 2017 with indication of it.Ironicle the snap together line were done in softer plastic to be easy manipulated without breaking x kids but the cost production and retail price was high.The investment was a failure.IMEX even had try bring a cheap line toy soldier under their line from China with the HInG Fat remade figures and others ,but not good x then ending at schools supply stores with poor results.Emhar 1/32 viking are brittle as well their WW1 sets but not braking to me least and i had then for years off cases pile in lot boses.
    Waterloo did figures using a very steiff plastic but to me they don’t brake .
    i wish i could be in february this year NYCTF but i think i won’t make to it .

    • ERWIN SELL says:

      Again i’m not discouraging or disagreeing ,just exposing my views versus base in my field and experiences only please…I wish could be all around in our favor but i know least in my view,it will not happen.

      • Daniel Murphy says:

        Erwin, we understand. It is a tough world out there for toy soldiers and for old-fashioned toys in general that encourage good old “analog” activity. Video games now dominate. Cell phones are now the number one companion of many young people. I teach. I am always amazed at breaks; where students used to talk to each other, now they all pull out their phones and click away in their own worlds. Still, the East Europeans, Chinese, and others are still producing toy soldiers and all is not lost yet!

    • Don Perkins says:

      I knew I was leaving out somebody in my above list of collectors who also become toy soldier producers — Tony of Armies in Plastic (AIP).

  15. Tom Black says:

    I understand the high price of the short-run Russian makers and why some collectors may be turned off. For me I am willing to set aside the money because they are excellent sculpts and they are using quality plastic. Even though I would like to have all of the Russian sets, because of budget purposes I have to have a keen interest in them. Like the mysterious British owner of Chintoys, we need another wealthy guy or motivated person to commission figures from Russia that would really sell out fast in the US and maybe Europe. I am thinking classic War Movies with characters in action poses. Similar to the “Sharpe’s Rifles”. Gunga Din, Guns of Navarone, Dirty Dozen, Kelly’s Heroes, Cross of Iron, and on a different note James Bond and characters. This is what Conte wanted to do (not exactly my list) but he was thwarted by the red tape and greed of Hollywood. Maybe the Russian makers can get around this?

  16. ERWIN SELL says:

    Plastic Platoon produces only 30 sets before remake entire mold ,the weapons are made in 3D ,very difficult long process production .The plastic will be again changed to a type very soft plastic as the one used by Publius soon ,i just had a conversation with Mikhail (owner of Plastic Platoon ) now and he informe of it plus more on two new Vietnamese soldiers sets and terrain that are almost ready .
    Funny part ,it seems only east european are willing to produce more in this way while others had barrely start or try .

    • Tom Black says:

      Please ask Mikhail if he intends to do French Paratroops of the Indochina War.

      • Erwin says:

        I will ask next time soon.
        See last post w quickly interview I did to him yesterday .
        He is jounger generation enthusiasts w good will but going very slow.He is fan of vietnam wars film also…

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