Engineering Bassevitch Ruso-Japanese War Japanese we look at the other figures of this conflict. This set has 12 different figures.
Engineering Bassevitch Ruso-Japanese War Japanese The Figures
Here is a picture of the tweleve figures
In this photo we have a closeup photo of several figures
- Soldier standing at parade rest
2. Officer with a plume hat possible personality figure
3. Officer with hands in front on sword hilt.
4. Soldier with samurai sword at waist.
5. Soldier with samurai sword overhead
6. Japanese soldier with two pistols. This is the second pose that Engineer Bassevitch has done a two pistols figure.
7. Officer standing firing pistol right food is on a rock. We also get another look at officer with samurai sword at waist.
8. Japanese soldier clubbing with rifle
9. Soldier at ready in heavy coat
10. Japanese soldier standing with bayonet rifle at waist
11. Soldier kneeling loading his rifle
12. Japanese soldier standing firing rifle.
Engineering Bassevitch Ruso-Japanese War Japanese Final Thoughts
I think people will enjoy these figures. With the exception of the Own Japanese figures this is very little covered period of history for plastic figures . I wait to hear your thoughts.
Who sells OWN Japanese figures in the US?
they had been sold by Erwin, but he is out. I doubt if anyone has them as it was a one time deal.
I might have some extras to sell you?
Feel free to contact me.
admin I have delete Christain’s email as per policy. If you want contact him please contact me at
This might not assuage your disappointment in not getting OWN, but Armies in Plastic also did Russians and Japanese for this conflict.
The AIP japanese are correct well done for this war and or previews Sino Japanese war ,but the Russian are not quite well done x the conflict neither for the Boxer rebellion ,yet could be used .The cossacks made by AIP could be used also too.Because simplicity of AIP uniforms they can be pass for some other period if not that quite accurate easy .
I need mention something ,all do these figures are pretty much well done ,they made A BIG historical mistake in some …
The Japanese army since 1874 had adopted a new type swords resembling american and french style officer swords of time .-Kyo Gunto swords.
Nothing to be with traditional Gunto katana swords at all ,neither the technique of using it was trained at military academies at all but the european and western swords tradition tec massively implemented as well .
The use of KATANA start again official use in Navy and Army in 1934/1936 with introduction of Shin guntō resembling the early medium size katana style swords but not a Katana please!!!
There three full great epic japanese war films about this war (Japanese are very accurate about their weaponry in films ) ,none portray a single japanese with old traditional sword-katana,neither photos of them in battle are found,yet few may had carry it or not could be ,to made two NCO figures in with then as is a wrong= mistake .
The swords looks very alike old traditional KATANA that would be only given to great officer if any to use.Not a single main officer in photos documentary is portray as that either.The poses looks more as if they are executing some one too .
OWN brand did much more correct uniforms and of course swords and the right exact two rifles that were lighter and thinner than Russian models by specific demand of japanese army the models Arisaka type 22 and 30 .
The figures of EB have poor detail wrong type rifles done too.
Last the Officer made by EB with two revolvers (very crude done) looks a very cowboy repeated pose made before i think for typical japanese officer.
Even AIP brand did japanese with right swords and better rifles.
The set by EB lack my interest as they waste the few action poses in non historical correct or/AND odd poses .
The Russian are interesting still a mix of non action poses too .
my thoughts.
KNEELING SHARPSHOOTING and STANDING SHARPSHOOTING in a set like this should always be established FIRST!
Yes several of these poses set are very wasted poses in my opinion,still it is generally a perception of this maker making sets as not action pose typical but representing several armies units and plenty officer per set every time.So i guess maker decision is his own and as limited run done will sale good i hope and wish for him.
The colors given as far i red are not quite well chosen either but again x most europan that paint figures are perfect too.
my thoughts..
nicely done,,unfortunately the Russians have discovered absurd pricing I cant collude for these
Agree on the pricing (too high) but that will not change. Think of them as ‘works of art’ instead of toy soldiers.
The california seller Scott informe agai he will have these sets as well new last Basevich Figures sets(Russo Japanese war) for better lower price as usual than any and direct from here US of course soon.
He had restocked last foot poses Chintoy civil war sets as well as sold out of first two batches lots .The sets are sold x $18.99 USD x Chintoy and from 22.99 to $37.99 max for all E Basevich Figures sets.
Here is one sale link from him.
Best …
sorry I post before wrong brand link sample.Here is the correct x EB brand
They are nice, but like some of the others have said they are too expensive.