Supreme Figures For 2010


Supreme of China has released three new sets for this year. They are Ancient Egyptian soldiers, Napoleonic Russian Infantry and WWII Russians. The best of the lot is the ancient Egyptian. The figures are in 60mm and contain foot and cavalry. The poses are based on Atlantic and King and Country figures. They will work well with your Atlantic figures especially as the Atlantic are getting harder and harder to find. Like most new figures the weapons will need to be straighten.

The Egyptian cavalry was disappointed for two reasons. If I remember history right the Egyptians did not have horse cavalry at this period in time only chariots.  Second Supreme  is doing the Dulcop trick of using the same horse for different periods. One of the four horses was one of their knight horse. Also the bag was short one horse as you can see in the picture. Still the figures are well detailed.

The next set is Russian Napoleonic Infantry. The set contains foot, two mounted and cannon.  I am not familiar with these figures and I am not sure if they are copies of an Esci set. These figures have less paint than normally but can be use to fill out your Napoleonic lines at a reasonable price.

There is a nice cannon crew and a cannon which I do not recognize who made it originally. Not on this page are two mounted figures and officer and trumpeter. Like the Egyptian cavalry they have Supreme's standard horses one of the horses included in the bag was knight horse!

The last set WWII Russians was a disappointment for me. First Supreme stuck the Napoleonic cannon into the set. Second I did not like paint style of the figures. The figures are copies of the Italeri and may be underside for your displays.

Once again Supreme has given us some interesting sets to add to our collection.

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